Module alfresco
ballerinax/alfresco Ballerina library
This is a generated connector for Alfresco OpenAPI specification.
This Alfresco Content Services REST APIs enable you to access to the core features of Alfresco Content Services.
Before using this connector in your Ballerina application, complete the following:
- Create a Alfresco Account.
- Obtain tokens by following this guide.
To use the Alfresco connector in your Ballerina application, update the .bal file as follows:
Step 1: Import connector
First, import the ballerinax/alfresco
module into the Ballerina project.
import ballerinax/alfresco;
Step 2: Create a new connector instance
Create a alfresco:ClientConfig
with the Bearer_Token
obtained, and initialize the connector with it.
alfresco:ClientConfig clientConfig = { auth: { token: <Bearer_Token> } }; alfresco:Client baseClient = check new (clientConfig, serviceURL);
Step 3: Invoke connector operation
Now you can use the operations available within the connector. Note that they are in the form of remote operations.
Following is an example on how to get list of comments in a particular node.
Retrieve list of comments in a particular node.
public function main() returns error? { alfresco:CommentPaging response = check baseClient->listComments(nodeId); log:printInfo(response.toString()); }
bal run
command to compile and run the Ballerina program.
alfresco: Client
This is a generated connector for Alfresco API OpenAPI Specification. The Alfresco REST API enable you to access to the core features of Alfresco Content Services.
Gets invoked to initialize the connector
The connector initialization requires setting the API credentials.
Please create a Alfresco devoloper account and obtain tokens.
init (ConnectionConfig config, string serviceUrl)
- config ConnectionConfig - The configurations to be used when initializing the
- serviceUrl string - URL of the target service
function listComments(string nodeId, int skipCount, int maxItems, string[]? fields) returns CommentPaging|error
List comments
- nodeId string - The identifier of a node.
- skipCount int (default 0) - The number of entities that exist in the collection before those included in this list. If not supplied then the default value is 0.
- maxItems int (default 100) - The maximum number of items to return in the list. If not supplied then the default value is 100.
- fields string[]? (default ()) - A list of field names. You can use this parameter to restrict the fields returned within a response if, for example, you want to save on overall bandwidth. The list applies to a returned individual entity or entries within a collection. If the API method also supports the include parameter, then the fields specified in the include parameter are returned in addition to those specified in the fields parameter.
Return Type
- CommentPaging|error - Successful response
function createComment(string nodeId, CommentBody payload, string[]? fields) returns CommentEntry|error
Create a comment
- nodeId string - The identifier of a node.
- payload CommentBody - The comment text. Note that you can also provide a list of comments.
- fields string[]? (default ()) - A list of field names. You can use this parameter to restrict the fields returned within a response if, for example, you want to save on overall bandwidth. The list applies to a returned individual entity or entries within a collection. If the API method also supports the include parameter, then the fields specified in the include parameter are returned in addition to those specified in the fields parameter.
Return Type
- CommentEntry|error - Successful response
function updateComment(string nodeId, string commentId, CommentBody payload, string[]? fields) returns CommentEntry|error
Update a comment
- nodeId string - The identifier of a node.
- commentId string - The identifier of a comment.
- payload CommentBody - The JSON representing the comment to be updated.
- fields string[]? (default ()) - A list of field names. You can use this parameter to restrict the fields returned within a response if, for example, you want to save on overall bandwidth. The list applies to a returned individual entity or entries within a collection. If the API method also supports the include parameter, then the fields specified in the include parameter are returned in addition to those specified in the fields parameter.
Return Type
- CommentEntry|error - Successful response
Delete a comment
function listRatings(string nodeId, int skipCount, int maxItems, string[]? fields) returns RatingPaging|error
List ratings
- nodeId string - The identifier of a node.
- skipCount int (default 0) - The number of entities that exist in the collection before those included in this list. If not supplied then the default value is 0.
- maxItems int (default 100) - The maximum number of items to return in the list. If not supplied then the default value is 100.
- fields string[]? (default ()) - A list of field names. You can use this parameter to restrict the fields returned within a response if, for example, you want to save on overall bandwidth. The list applies to a returned individual entity or entries within a collection. If the API method also supports the include parameter, then the fields specified in the include parameter are returned in addition to those specified in the fields parameter.
Return Type
- RatingPaging|error - Successful response
function createRating(string nodeId, RatingBody payload, string[]? fields) returns RatingEntry|error
Create a rating
- nodeId string - The identifier of a node.
- payload RatingBody - For "myRating" the type is specific to the rating scheme, boolean for the likes and an integer for the fiveStar.
- fields string[]? (default ()) - A list of field names. You can use this parameter to restrict the fields returned within a response if, for example, you want to save on overall bandwidth. The list applies to a returned individual entity or entries within a collection. If the API method also supports the include parameter, then the fields specified in the include parameter are returned in addition to those specified in the fields parameter.
Return Type
- RatingEntry|error - Successful response
function getRating(string nodeId, string ratingId, string[]? fields) returns RatingEntry|error
Get a rating
- nodeId string - The identifier of a node.
- ratingId string - The identifier of a rating.
- fields string[]? (default ()) - A list of field names. You can use this parameter to restrict the fields returned within a response if, for example, you want to save on overall bandwidth. The list applies to a returned individual entity or entries within a collection. If the API method also supports the include parameter, then the fields specified in the include parameter are returned in addition to those specified in the fields parameter.
Return Type
- RatingEntry|error - Successful response
Delete a rating
function listTagsForNode(string nodeId, int skipCount, int maxItems, string[]? fields) returns TagPaging|error
List tags for a node
- nodeId string - The identifier of a node.
- skipCount int (default 0) - The number of entities that exist in the collection before those included in this list. If not supplied then the default value is 0.
- maxItems int (default 100) - The maximum number of items to return in the list. If not supplied then the default value is 100.
- fields string[]? (default ()) - A list of field names. You can use this parameter to restrict the fields returned within a response if, for example, you want to save on overall bandwidth. The list applies to a returned individual entity or entries within a collection. If the API method also supports the include parameter, then the fields specified in the include parameter are returned in addition to those specified in the fields parameter.
Create a tag for a node
- nodeId string - The identifier of a node.
- payload TagBody - The new tag
- fields string[]? (default ()) - A list of field names. You can use this parameter to restrict the fields returned within a response if, for example, you want to save on overall bandwidth. The list applies to a returned individual entity or entries within a collection. If the API method also supports the include parameter, then the fields specified in the include parameter are returned in addition to those specified in the fields parameter.
Delete a tag from a node
function getNode(string nodeId, string[]? include, string? relativePath, string[]? fields) returns NodeEntry|error
Get a node
- nodeId string - The identifier of a node. You can also use one of these well-known aliases: * -my- * -shared- * -root-
- include string[]? (default ()) - Returns additional information about the node. The following optional fields can be requested: * allowableOperations * association * isLink * isFavorite * isLocked * path * permissions * definition
- relativePath string? (default ()) - A path relative to the nodeId. If you set this, information is returned on the node resolved by this path.
- fields string[]? (default ()) - A list of field names. You can use this parameter to restrict the fields returned within a response if, for example, you want to save on overall bandwidth. The list applies to a returned individual entity or entries within a collection. If the API method also supports the include parameter, then the fields specified in the include parameter are returned in addition to those specified in the fields parameter.
function updateNode(string nodeId, NodeBodyUpdate payload, string[]? include, string[]? fields) returns NodeEntry|error
Update a node
- nodeId string - The identifier of a node.
- payload NodeBodyUpdate - The node information to update.
- include string[]? (default ()) - Returns additional information about the node. The following optional fields can be requested: * allowableOperations * association * isLink * isFavorite * isLocked * path * permissions * definition
- fields string[]? (default ()) - A list of field names. You can use this parameter to restrict the fields returned within a response if, for example, you want to save on overall bandwidth. The list applies to a returned individual entity or entries within a collection. If the API method also supports the include parameter, then the fields specified in the include parameter are returned in addition to those specified in the fields parameter.
Delete a node
- nodeId string - The identifier of a node.
- permanent boolean (default false) - If true then the node is deleted permanently, without moving to the trashcan. Only the owner of the node or an admin can permanently delete the node.
function listNodeChildren(string nodeId, int skipCount, int maxItems, string[]? orderBy, string? 'where, string[]? include, string? relativePath, boolean? includeSource, string[]? fields) returns NodeChildAssociationPaging|error
List node children
- nodeId string - The identifier of a node. You can also use one of these well-known aliases: * -my- * -shared- * -root-
- skipCount int (default 0) - The number of entities that exist in the collection before those included in this list. If not supplied then the default value is 0.
- maxItems int (default 100) - The maximum number of items to return in the list. If not supplied then the default value is 100.
- orderBy string[]? (default ()) - A string to control the order of the entities returned in a list. You can use the orderBy parameter to sort the list by one or more fields. Each field has a default sort order, which is normally ascending order. Read the API method implementation notes above to check if any fields used in this method have a descending default search order. To sort the entities in a specific order, you can use the ASC and DESC keywords for any field.
- 'where string? (default ()) - Optionally filter the list. Here are some examples: *
*where=(nodeType='my:specialNodeType INCLUDESUBTYPES')
*where=(isPrimary=false and assocType='my:specialAssocType')
- include string[]? (default ()) - Returns additional information about the node. The following optional fields can be requested: * allowableOperations * aspectNames * association * isLink * isFavorite * isLocked * path * properties * permissions
- relativePath string? (default ()) - Return information on children in the folder resolved by this path. The path is relative to nodeId.
- includeSource boolean? (default ()) - Also include source in addition to entries with folder information on the parent node – either the specified parent nodeId, or as resolved by relativePath.
- fields string[]? (default ()) - A list of field names. You can use this parameter to restrict the fields returned within a response if, for example, you want to save on overall bandwidth. The list applies to a returned individual entity or entries within a collection. If the API method also supports the include parameter, then the fields specified in the include parameter are returned in addition to those specified in the fields parameter.
Return Type
- NodeChildAssociationPaging|error - Successful response
function createNode(string nodeId, NodeBodyCreate payload, boolean? autoRename, boolean? majorVersion, boolean? versioningEnabled, string[]? include, string[]? fields) returns NodeEntry|error
Create a node
- nodeId string - The identifier of a node. You can also use one of these well-known aliases: * -my- * -shared- * -root-
- payload NodeBodyCreate - The node information to create.
- autoRename boolean? (default ()) - If true, then a name clash will cause an attempt to auto rename by finding a unique name using an integer suffix.
- majorVersion boolean? (default ()) - If true, then created node will be version 1.0 MAJOR. If false, then created node will be version 0.1 MINOR.
- versioningEnabled boolean? (default ()) - If true, then created node will be versioned. If false, then created node will be unversioned and auto-versioning disabled.
- include string[]? (default ()) - Returns additional information about the node. The following optional fields can be requested: * allowableOperations * association * isLink * isFavorite * isLocked * path * permissions * definition
- fields string[]? (default ()) - A list of field names. You can use this parameter to restrict the fields returned within a response if, for example, you want to save on overall bandwidth. The list applies to a returned individual entity or entries within a collection. If the API method also supports the include parameter, then the fields specified in the include parameter are returned in addition to those specified in the fields parameter.
function copyNode(string nodeId, NodeBodyCopy payload, string[]? include, string[]? fields) returns NodeEntry|error
Copy a node
- nodeId string - The identifier of a node.
- payload NodeBodyCopy - The targetParentId and, optionally, a new name which should include the file extension.
- include string[]? (default ()) - Returns additional information about the node. The following optional fields can be requested: * allowableOperations * association * isLink * isFavorite * isLocked * path * permissions * definition
- fields string[]? (default ()) - A list of field names. You can use this parameter to restrict the fields returned within a response if, for example, you want to save on overall bandwidth. The list applies to a returned individual entity or entries within a collection. If the API method also supports the include parameter, then the fields specified in the include parameter are returned in addition to those specified in the fields parameter.
function lockNode(string nodeId, NodeBodyLock payload, string[]? include, string[]? fields) returns NodeEntry|error
Lock a node
- nodeId string - The identifier of a node.
- payload NodeBodyLock - Lock details.
- include string[]? (default ()) - Returns additional information about the node. The following optional fields can be requested: * allowableOperations * association * isLink * isFavorite * isLocked * path * permissions * definition
- fields string[]? (default ()) - A list of field names. You can use this parameter to restrict the fields returned within a response if, for example, you want to save on overall bandwidth. The list applies to a returned individual entity or entries within a collection. If the API method also supports the include parameter, then the fields specified in the include parameter are returned in addition to those specified in the fields parameter.
Unlock a node
- nodeId string - The identifier of a node.
- include string[]? (default ()) - Returns additional information about the node. The following optional fields can be requested: * allowableOperations * association * isLink * isFavorite * isLocked * path * permissions * definition
- fields string[]? (default ()) - A list of field names. You can use this parameter to restrict the fields returned within a response if, for example, you want to save on overall bandwidth. The list applies to a returned individual entity or entries within a collection. If the API method also supports the include parameter, then the fields specified in the include parameter are returned in addition to those specified in the fields parameter.
function moveNode(string nodeId, NodeBodyMove payload, string[]? include, string[]? fields) returns NodeEntry|error
Move a node
- nodeId string - The identifier of a node.
- payload NodeBodyMove - The targetParentId and, optionally, a new name which should include the file extension.
- include string[]? (default ()) - Returns additional information about the node. The following optional fields can be requested: * allowableOperations * association * isLink * isFavorite * isLocked * path * permissions * definition
- fields string[]? (default ()) - A list of field names. You can use this parameter to restrict the fields returned within a response if, for example, you want to save on overall bandwidth. The list applies to a returned individual entity or entries within a collection. If the API method also supports the include parameter, then the fields specified in the include parameter are returned in addition to those specified in the fields parameter.
function getNodeContent(string nodeId, boolean attachment, string? ifModifiedSince, string? range) returns string|error?
Get node content
- nodeId string - The identifier of a node.
- attachment boolean (default true) - true enables a web browser to download the file as an attachment. false means a web browser may preview the file in a new tab or window, but not download the file. You can only set this parameter to false if the content type of the file is in the supported list; for example, certain image files and PDF files. If the content type is not supported for preview, then a value of false is ignored, and the attachment will be returned in the response.
- ifModifiedSince string? (default ()) - Only returns the content if it has been modified since the date provided. Use the date format defined by HTTP. For example,
Wed, 09 Mar 2016 16:56:34 GMT
- range string? (default ()) - The Range header indicates the part of a document that the server should return. Single part request supported, for example: bytes=1-10.
function updateNodeContent(string nodeId, byte[] payload, boolean majorVersion, string? comment, string? name, string[]? include, string[]? fields) returns NodeEntry|error
Update node content
- nodeId string - The identifier of a node.
- payload byte[] - The binary content
- majorVersion boolean (default false) - If true, create a major version. Setting this parameter also enables versioning of this node, if it is not already versioned.
- comment string? (default ()) - Add a version comment which will appear in version history. Setting this parameter also enables versioning of this node, if it is not already versioned.
- name string? (default ()) - Optional new name. This should include the file extension. The name must not contain spaces or the following special characters: * " < > \ / ? : and |. The character
must not be used at the end of the name.
- include string[]? (default ()) - Returns additional information about the node. The following optional fields can be requested: * allowableOperations * association * isLink * isFavorite * isLocked * path * permissions * definition
- fields string[]? (default ()) - A list of field names. You can use this parameter to restrict the fields returned within a response if, for example, you want to save on overall bandwidth. The list applies to a returned individual entity or entries within a collection. If the API method also supports the include parameter, then the fields specified in the include parameter are returned in addition to those specified in the fields parameter.
function listRenditions(string nodeId, string? 'where) returns RenditionPaging|error
List renditions
- nodeId string - The identifier of a node.
- 'where string? (default ()) - A string to restrict the returned objects by using a predicate.
Return Type
- RenditionPaging|error - Successful response
function createRendition(string nodeId, RenditionBodyCreate payload) returns Response|error
Create rendition
- nodeId string - The identifier of a node.
- payload RenditionBodyCreate - The rendition "id".
function getRendition(string nodeId, string renditionId) returns RenditionEntry|error
Get rendition information
- nodeId string - The identifier of a node.
- renditionId string - The name of a thumbnail rendition, for example doclib, or pdf.
Return Type
- RenditionEntry|error - Successful response
function getRenditionContent(string nodeId, string renditionId, boolean attachment, string? ifModifiedSince, string? range, boolean placeholder) returns string|error?
Get rendition content
- nodeId string - The identifier of a node.
- renditionId string - The name of a thumbnail rendition, for example doclib, or pdf.
- attachment boolean (default true) - true enables a web browser to download the file as an attachment. false means a web browser may preview the file in a new tab or window, but not download the file. You can only set this parameter to false if the content type of the file is in the supported list; for example, certain image files and PDF files. If the content type is not supported for preview, then a value of false is ignored, and the attachment will be returned in the response.
- ifModifiedSince string? (default ()) - Only returns the content if it has been modified since the date provided. Use the date format defined by HTTP. For example,
Wed, 09 Mar 2016 16:56:34 GMT
- range string? (default ()) - The Range header indicates the part of a document that the server should return. Single part request supported, for example: bytes=1-10.
- placeholder boolean (default false) - If true and there is no rendition for this nodeId and renditionId, then the placeholder image for the mime type of this rendition is returned, rather than a 404 response.
function listSecondaryChildren(string nodeId, string? 'where, string[]? include, int skipCount, int maxItems, boolean? includeSource, string[]? fields) returns NodeChildAssociationPaging|error
List secondary children
- nodeId string - The identifier of a parent node. You can also use one of these well-known aliases: * -my- * -shared- * -root-
- 'where string? (default ()) - Optionally filter the list by assocType. Here's an example: *
- include string[]? (default ()) - Returns additional information about the node. The following optional fields can be requested: * allowableOperations * aspectNames * isLink * isFavorite * isLocked * path * properties
- skipCount int (default 0) - The number of entities that exist in the collection before those included in this list. If not supplied then the default value is 0.
- maxItems int (default 100) - The maximum number of items to return in the list. If not supplied then the default value is 100.
- includeSource boolean? (default ()) - Also include source (in addition to entries) with folder information on nodeId
- fields string[]? (default ()) - A list of field names. You can use this parameter to restrict the fields returned within a response if, for example, you want to save on overall bandwidth. The list applies to a returned individual entity or entries within a collection. If the API method also supports the include parameter, then the fields specified in the include parameter are returned in addition to those specified in the fields parameter.
Return Type
- NodeChildAssociationPaging|error - Successful response
function createSecondaryChildAssociation(string nodeId, ChildAssociationBody payload, string[]? fields) returns ChildAssociationEntry|error
Create secondary child
- nodeId string - The identifier of a parent node.
- payload ChildAssociationBody - The child node id and assoc type.
- fields string[]? (default ()) - A list of field names. You can use this parameter to restrict the fields returned within a response if, for example, you want to save on overall bandwidth. The list applies to a returned individual entity or entries within a collection. If the API method also supports the include parameter, then the fields specified in the include parameter are returned in addition to those specified in the fields parameter.
Return Type
- ChildAssociationEntry|error - Successful response
function deleteSecondaryChildAssociation(string nodeId, string childId, string? assocType) returns Response|error
Delete secondary child or children
- nodeId string - The identifier of a parent node.
- childId string - The identifier of a child node.
- assocType string? (default ()) - Only delete associations of this type.
function listParents(string nodeId, string? 'where, string[]? include, int skipCount, int maxItems, boolean? includeSource, string[]? fields) returns NodeAssociationPaging|error
List parents
- nodeId string - The identifier of a child node. You can also use one of these well-known aliases: * -my- * -shared- * -root-
- 'where string? (default ()) - Optionally filter the list by assocType and/or isPrimary. Here are some example filters: *
*where=(isPrimary=false and assocType='my:specialAssocType')
- include string[]? (default ()) - Returns additional information about the node. The following optional fields can be requested: * allowableOperations * aspectNames * isLink * isFavorite * isLocked * path * properties
- skipCount int (default 0) - The number of entities that exist in the collection before those included in this list. If not supplied then the default value is 0.
- maxItems int (default 100) - The maximum number of items to return in the list. If not supplied then the default value is 100.
- includeSource boolean? (default ()) - Also include source (in addition to entries) with folder information on nodeId
- fields string[]? (default ()) - A list of field names. You can use this parameter to restrict the fields returned within a response if, for example, you want to save on overall bandwidth. The list applies to a returned individual entity or entries within a collection. If the API method also supports the include parameter, then the fields specified in the include parameter are returned in addition to those specified in the fields parameter.
Return Type
- NodeAssociationPaging|error - Successful response
function listTargetAssociations(string nodeId, string? 'where, string[]? include, string[]? fields) returns NodeAssociationPaging|error
List target associations
- nodeId string - The identifier of a source node.
- 'where string? (default ()) - Optionally filter the list by assocType. Here's an example: *
- include string[]? (default ()) - Returns additional information about the node. The following optional fields can be requested: * allowableOperations * aspectNames * isLink * isFavorite * isLocked * path * properties
- fields string[]? (default ()) - A list of field names. You can use this parameter to restrict the fields returned within a response if, for example, you want to save on overall bandwidth. The list applies to a returned individual entity or entries within a collection. If the API method also supports the include parameter, then the fields specified in the include parameter are returned in addition to those specified in the fields parameter.
Return Type
- NodeAssociationPaging|error - Successful response
function createAssociation(string nodeId, AssociationBody payload, string[]? fields) returns AssociationEntry|error
Create node association
- nodeId string - The identifier of a source node.
- payload AssociationBody - The target node id and assoc type.
- fields string[]? (default ()) - A list of field names. You can use this parameter to restrict the fields returned within a response if, for example, you want to save on overall bandwidth. The list applies to a returned individual entity or entries within a collection. If the API method also supports the include parameter, then the fields specified in the include parameter are returned in addition to those specified in the fields parameter.
Return Type
- AssociationEntry|error - Successful response
function deleteAssociation(string nodeId, string targetId, string? assocType) returns Response|error
Delete node association(s)
- nodeId string - The identifier of a source node.
- targetId string - The identifier of a target node.
- assocType string? (default ()) - Only delete associations of this type.
function listSourceAssociations(string nodeId, string? 'where, string[]? include, string[]? fields) returns NodeAssociationPaging|error
List source associations
- nodeId string - The identifier of a target node.
- 'where string? (default ()) - Optionally filter the list by assocType. Here's an example: *
- include string[]? (default ()) - Returns additional information about the node. The following optional fields can be requested: * allowableOperations * aspectNames * isLink * isFavorite * isLocked * path * properties
- fields string[]? (default ()) - A list of field names. You can use this parameter to restrict the fields returned within a response if, for example, you want to save on overall bandwidth. The list applies to a returned individual entity or entries within a collection. If the API method also supports the include parameter, then the fields specified in the include parameter are returned in addition to those specified in the fields parameter.
Return Type
- NodeAssociationPaging|error - Successful response
function listVersionHistory(string nodeId, string[]? include, string[]? fields, int skipCount, int maxItems) returns VersionPaging|error
List version history
- nodeId string - The identifier of a node.
- include string[]? (default ()) - Returns additional information about the version node. The following optional fields can be requested: * properties * aspectNames
- fields string[]? (default ()) - A list of field names. You can use this parameter to restrict the fields returned within a response if, for example, you want to save on overall bandwidth. The list applies to a returned individual entity or entries within a collection. If the API method also supports the include parameter, then the fields specified in the include parameter are returned in addition to those specified in the fields parameter.
- skipCount int (default 0) - The number of entities that exist in the collection before those included in this list. If not supplied then the default value is 0.
- maxItems int (default 100) - The maximum number of items to return in the list. If not supplied then the default value is 100.
Return Type
- VersionPaging|error - Successful response
function getVersion(string nodeId, string versionId) returns VersionEntry|error
Get version information
- nodeId string - The identifier of a node.
- versionId string - The identifier of a version, ie. version label, within the version history of a node.
Return Type
- VersionEntry|error - Successful response
Delete a version
- nodeId string - The identifier of a node.
- versionId string - The identifier of a version, ie. version label, within the version history of a node.
function getVersionContent(string nodeId, string versionId, boolean attachment, string? ifModifiedSince, string? range) returns string|error?
Get version content
- nodeId string - The identifier of a node.
- versionId string - The identifier of a version, ie. version label, within the version history of a node.
- attachment boolean (default true) - true enables a web browser to download the file as an attachment. false means a web browser may preview the file in a new tab or window, but not download the file. You can only set this parameter to false if the content type of the file is in the supported list; for example, certain image files and PDF files. If the content type is not supported for preview, then a value of false is ignored, and the attachment will be returned in the response.
- ifModifiedSince string? (default ()) - Only returns the content if it has been modified since the date provided. Use the date format defined by HTTP. For example,
Wed, 09 Mar 2016 16:56:34 GMT
- range string? (default ()) - The Range header indicates the part of a document that the server should return. Single part request supported, for example: bytes=1-10.
function revertVersion(string nodeId, string versionId, RevertBody payload, string[]? fields) returns VersionEntry|error
Revert a version
- nodeId string - The identifier of a node.
- versionId string - The identifier of a version, ie. version label, within the version history of a node.
- payload RevertBody - Optionally, specify a version comment and whether this should be a major version, or not.
- fields string[]? (default ()) - A list of field names. You can use this parameter to restrict the fields returned within a response if, for example, you want to save on overall bandwidth. The list applies to a returned individual entity or entries within a collection. If the API method also supports the include parameter, then the fields specified in the include parameter are returned in addition to those specified in the fields parameter.
Return Type
- VersionEntry|error - Successful response
function listVersionRenditions(string nodeId, string versionId, string? 'where) returns RenditionPaging|error
List renditions for a file version
- nodeId string - The identifier of a node.
- versionId string - The identifier of a version, ie. version label, within the version history of a node.
- 'where string? (default ()) - A string to restrict the returned objects by using a predicate.
Return Type
- RenditionPaging|error - Successful response
function createVersionRendition(string nodeId, string versionId, RenditionBodyCreate payload) returns Response|error
Create rendition for a file version
- nodeId string - The identifier of a node.
- versionId string - The identifier of a version, ie. version label, within the version history of a node.
- payload RenditionBodyCreate - The rendition "id".
function getVersionRendition(string nodeId, string versionId, string renditionId) returns RenditionEntry|error
Get rendition information for a file version
- nodeId string - The identifier of a node.
- versionId string - The identifier of a version, ie. version label, within the version history of a node.
- renditionId string - The name of a thumbnail rendition, for example doclib, or pdf.
Return Type
- RenditionEntry|error - Successful response
function getVersionRenditionContent(string nodeId, string versionId, string renditionId, boolean attachment, string? ifModifiedSince, string? range, boolean placeholder) returns string|error?
Get rendition content for a file version
- nodeId string - The identifier of a node.
- versionId string - The identifier of a version, ie. version label, within the version history of a node.
- renditionId string - The name of a thumbnail rendition, for example doclib, or pdf.
- attachment boolean (default true) - true enables a web browser to download the file as an attachment. false means a web browser may preview the file in a new tab or window, but not download the file. You can only set this parameter to false if the content type of the file is in the supported list; for example, certain image files and PDF files. If the content type is not supported for preview, then a value of false is ignored, and the attachment will be returned in the response.
- ifModifiedSince string? (default ()) - Only returns the content if it has been modified since the date provided. Use the date format defined by HTTP. For example,
Wed, 09 Mar 2016 16:56:34 GMT
- range string? (default ()) - The Range header indicates the part of a document that the server should return. Single part request supported, for example: bytes=1-10.
- placeholder boolean (default false) - If true and there is no rendition for this nodeId and renditionId, then the placeholder image for the mime type of this rendition is returned, rather than a 404 response.
function nodeActions(string nodeId, int skipCount, int maxItems, string[]? orderBy, string[]? fields) returns ActionDefinitionList|error
Retrieve actions for a node
- nodeId string - The identifier of a node.
- skipCount int (default 0) - The number of entities that exist in the collection before those included in this list. If not supplied then the default value is 0.
- maxItems int (default 100) - The maximum number of items to return in the list. If not supplied then the default value is 100.
- orderBy string[]? (default ()) - A string to control the order of the entities returned in a list. You can use the orderBy parameter to sort the list by one or more fields. Each field has a default sort order, which is normally ascending order. Read the API method implementation notes above to check if any fields used in this method have a descending default search order. To sort the entities in a specific order, you can use the ASC and DESC keywords for any field.
- fields string[]? (default ()) - A list of field names. You can use this parameter to restrict the fields returned within a response if, for example, you want to save on overall bandwidth. The list applies to a returned individual entity or entries within a collection. If the API method also supports the include parameter, then the fields specified in the include parameter are returned in addition to those specified in the fields parameter.
Return Type
- ActionDefinitionList|error - Successful response
function listDeletedNodes(int skipCount, int maxItems, string[]? include) returns DeletedNodesPaging|error
List deleted nodes
- skipCount int (default 0) - The number of entities that exist in the collection before those included in this list. If not supplied then the default value is 0.
- maxItems int (default 100) - The maximum number of items to return in the list. If not supplied then the default value is 100.
- include string[]? (default ()) - Returns additional information about the node. The following optional fields can be requested: * allowableOperations * aspectNames * association * isLink * isFavorite * isLocked * path * properties * permissions
Return Type
- DeletedNodesPaging|error - Successful response
function getDeletedNode(string nodeId, string[]? include) returns DeletedNodeEntry|error
Get a deleted node
- nodeId string - The identifier of a node.
- include string[]? (default ()) - Returns additional information about the node. The following optional fields can be requested: * allowableOperations * association * isLink * isFavorite * isLocked * path * permissions * definition
Return Type
- DeletedNodeEntry|error - Successful response
Permanently delete a deleted node
- nodeId string - The identifier of a node.
function getDeletedNodeContent(string nodeId, boolean attachment, string? ifModifiedSince, string? range) returns string|error?
Get deleted node content
- nodeId string - The identifier of a node.
- attachment boolean (default true) - true enables a web browser to download the file as an attachment. false means a web browser may preview the file in a new tab or window, but not download the file. You can only set this parameter to false if the content type of the file is in the supported list; for example, certain image files and PDF files. If the content type is not supported for preview, then a value of false is ignored, and the attachment will be returned in the response.
- ifModifiedSince string? (default ()) - Only returns the content if it has been modified since the date provided. Use the date format defined by HTTP. For example,
Wed, 09 Mar 2016 16:56:34 GMT
- range string? (default ()) - The Range header indicates the part of a document that the server should return. Single part request supported, for example: bytes=1-10.
function restoreDeletedNode(string nodeId, DeletedNodeBodyRestore payload, string[]? fields) returns NodeEntry|error
Restore a deleted node
- nodeId string - The identifier of a node.
- payload DeletedNodeBodyRestore - The targetParentId if the node is restored to a new location.
- fields string[]? (default ()) - A list of field names. You can use this parameter to restrict the fields returned within a response if, for example, you want to save on overall bandwidth. The list applies to a returned individual entity or entries within a collection. If the API method also supports the include parameter, then the fields specified in the include parameter are returned in addition to those specified in the fields parameter.
function listDeletedNodeRenditions(string nodeId, string? 'where) returns RenditionPaging|error
List renditions for a deleted node
- nodeId string - The identifier of a node.
- 'where string? (default ()) - A string to restrict the returned objects by using a predicate.
Return Type
- RenditionPaging|error - Successful response
function getArchivedNodeRendition(string nodeId, string renditionId) returns RenditionEntry|error
Get rendition information for a deleted node
- nodeId string - The identifier of a node.
- renditionId string - The name of a thumbnail rendition, for example doclib, or pdf.
Return Type
- RenditionEntry|error - Successful response
function getArchivedNodeRenditionContent(string nodeId, string renditionId, boolean attachment, string? ifModifiedSince, string? range, boolean placeholder) returns string|error?
Get rendition content of a deleted node
- nodeId string - The identifier of a node.
- renditionId string - The name of a thumbnail rendition, for example doclib, or pdf.
- attachment boolean (default true) - true enables a web browser to download the file as an attachment. false means a web browser may preview the file in a new tab or window, but not download the file. You can only set this parameter to false if the content type of the file is in the supported list; for example, certain image files and PDF files. If the content type is not supported for preview, then a value of false is ignored, and the attachment will be returned in the response.
- ifModifiedSince string? (default ()) - Only returns the content if it has been modified since the date provided. Use the date format defined by HTTP. For example,
Wed, 09 Mar 2016 16:56:34 GMT
- range string? (default ()) - The Range header indicates the part of a document that the server should return. Single part request supported, for example: bytes=1-10.
- placeholder boolean (default false) - If true and there is no rendition for this nodeId and renditionId, then the placeholder image for the mime type of this rendition is returned, rather than a 404 response.
function createDownload(DownloadBodyCreate payload, string[]? fields) returns DownloadEntry|error
Create a new download
- payload DownloadBodyCreate - The nodeIds the content of which will be zipped, which zip will be set as the content of our download node.
- fields string[]? (default ()) - A list of field names. You can use this parameter to restrict the fields returned within a response if, for example, you want to save on overall bandwidth. The list applies to a returned individual entity or entries within a collection. If the API method also supports the include parameter, then the fields specified in the include parameter are returned in addition to those specified in the fields parameter.
Return Type
- DownloadEntry|error - The request to create a download node was accepted
function getDownload(string downloadId, string[]? fields) returns DownloadEntry|error
Get a download
- downloadId string - The identifier of a download node.
- fields string[]? (default ()) - A list of field names. You can use this parameter to restrict the fields returned within a response if, for example, you want to save on overall bandwidth. The list applies to a returned individual entity or entries within a collection. If the API method also supports the include parameter, then the fields specified in the include parameter are returned in addition to those specified in the fields parameter.
Return Type
- DownloadEntry|error - Download node information
Cancel a download
- downloadId string - The identifier of a download node.
function listPeople(int skipCount, int maxItems, string[]? orderBy, string[]? include, string[]? fields) returns PersonPaging|error
List people
- skipCount int (default 0) - The number of entities that exist in the collection before those included in this list. If not supplied then the default value is 0.
- maxItems int (default 100) - The maximum number of items to return in the list. If not supplied then the default value is 100.
- orderBy string[]? (default ()) - A string to control the order of the entities returned in a list. You can use the orderBy parameter to sort the list by one or more fields. Each field has a default sort order, which is normally ascending order. Read the API method implementation notes above to check if any fields used in this method have a descending default search order. To sort the entities in a specific order, you can use the ASC and DESC keywords for any field.
- include string[]? (default ()) - Returns additional information about the person. The following optional fields can be requested: * properties * aspectNames * capabilities
- fields string[]? (default ()) - A list of field names. You can use this parameter to restrict the fields returned within a response if, for example, you want to save on overall bandwidth. The list applies to a returned individual entity or entries within a collection. If the API method also supports the include parameter, then the fields specified in the include parameter are returned in addition to those specified in the fields parameter.
Return Type
- PersonPaging|error - Successful response
function createPerson(PersonBodyCreate payload, string[]? fields) returns PersonEntry|error
Create person
- payload PersonBodyCreate - The person details.
- fields string[]? (default ()) - A list of field names. You can use this parameter to restrict the fields returned within a response if, for example, you want to save on overall bandwidth. The list applies to a returned individual entity or entries within a collection. If the API method also supports the include parameter, then the fields specified in the include parameter are returned in addition to those specified in the fields parameter.
Return Type
- PersonEntry|error - Successful response
function getPerson(string personId, string[]? fields) returns PersonEntry|error
Get a person
- personId string - The identifier of a person.
- fields string[]? (default ()) - A list of field names. You can use this parameter to restrict the fields returned within a response if, for example, you want to save on overall bandwidth. The list applies to a returned individual entity or entries within a collection. If the API method also supports the include parameter, then the fields specified in the include parameter are returned in addition to those specified in the fields parameter.
Return Type
- PersonEntry|error - Successful response
function updatePerson(string personId, PersonBodyUpdate payload, string[]? fields) returns PersonEntry|error
Update person
- personId string - The identifier of a person.
- payload PersonBodyUpdate - The person details.
- fields string[]? (default ()) - A list of field names. You can use this parameter to restrict the fields returned within a response if, for example, you want to save on overall bandwidth. The list applies to a returned individual entity or entries within a collection. If the API method also supports the include parameter, then the fields specified in the include parameter are returned in addition to those specified in the fields parameter.
Return Type
- PersonEntry|error - Successful response
function listActivitiesForPerson(string personId, int skipCount, int maxItems, string? who, string? siteId, string[]? fields) returns ActivityPaging|error
List activities
- personId string - The identifier of a person.
- skipCount int (default 0) - The number of entities that exist in the collection before those included in this list. If not supplied then the default value is 0.
- maxItems int (default 100) - The maximum number of items to return in the list. If not supplied then the default value is 100.
- who string? (default ()) - A filter to include the user's activities only
, other user's activities onlyothers
- siteId string? (default ()) - Include only activity feed entries relating to this site.
- fields string[]? (default ()) - A list of field names. You can use this parameter to restrict the fields returned within a response if, for example, you want to save on overall bandwidth. The list applies to a returned individual entity or entries within a collection. If the API method also supports the include parameter, then the fields specified in the include parameter are returned in addition to those specified in the fields parameter.
Return Type
- ActivityPaging|error - Successful response
function listFavoriteSitesForPerson(string personId, int skipCount, int maxItems, string[]? fields) returns SitePaging|error
List favorite sites
- personId string - The identifier of a person.
- skipCount int (default 0) - The number of entities that exist in the collection before those included in this list. If not supplied then the default value is 0.
- maxItems int (default 100) - The maximum number of items to return in the list. If not supplied then the default value is 100.
- fields string[]? (default ()) - A list of field names. You can use this parameter to restrict the fields returned within a response if, for example, you want to save on overall bandwidth. The list applies to a returned individual entity or entries within a collection. If the API method also supports the include parameter, then the fields specified in the include parameter are returned in addition to those specified in the fields parameter.
Return Type
- SitePaging|error - Successful response
function createSiteFavorite(string personId, FavoriteSiteBodyCreate payload, string[]? fields) returns FavoriteSiteEntry|error
Create a site favorite
- personId string - The identifier of a person.
- payload FavoriteSiteBodyCreate - The id of the site to favorite.
- fields string[]? (default ()) - A list of field names. You can use this parameter to restrict the fields returned within a response if, for example, you want to save on overall bandwidth. The list applies to a returned individual entity or entries within a collection. If the API method also supports the include parameter, then the fields specified in the include parameter are returned in addition to those specified in the fields parameter.
Return Type
- FavoriteSiteEntry|error - Successful response
Get a favorite site
- personId string - The identifier of a person.
- siteId string - The identifier of a site.
- fields string[]? (default ()) - A list of field names. You can use this parameter to restrict the fields returned within a response if, for example, you want to save on overall bandwidth. The list applies to a returned individual entity or entries within a collection. If the API method also supports the include parameter, then the fields specified in the include parameter are returned in addition to those specified in the fields parameter.
Delete a site favorite
function listFavorites(string personId, int skipCount, int maxItems, string[]? orderBy, string? 'where, string[]? include, string[]? fields) returns FavoritePaging|error
List favorites
- personId string - The identifier of a person.
- skipCount int (default 0) - The number of entities that exist in the collection before those included in this list. If not supplied then the default value is 0.
- maxItems int (default 100) - The maximum number of items to return in the list. If not supplied then the default value is 100.
- orderBy string[]? (default ()) - A string to control the order of the entities returned in a list. You can use the orderBy parameter to sort the list by one or more fields. Each field has a default sort order, which is normally ascending order. Read the API method implementation notes above to check if any fields used in this method have a descending default search order. To sort the entities in a specific order, you can use the ASC and DESC keywords for any field.
- 'where string? (default ()) - A string to restrict the returned objects by using a predicate.
- include string[]? (default ()) - Returns additional information about favorites, the following optional fields can be requested: * path (note, this only applies to files and folders) * properties
- fields string[]? (default ()) - A list of field names. You can use this parameter to restrict the fields returned within a response if, for example, you want to save on overall bandwidth. The list applies to a returned individual entity or entries within a collection. If the API method also supports the include parameter, then the fields specified in the include parameter are returned in addition to those specified in the fields parameter.
Return Type
- FavoritePaging|error - Successful response
function createFavorite(string personId, FavoriteBodyCreate payload, string[]? include, string[]? fields) returns FavoriteEntry|error
Create a favorite
- personId string - The identifier of a person.
- payload FavoriteBodyCreate - An object identifying the entity to be favorited.
- include string[]? (default ()) - Returns additional information about favorites, the following optional fields can be requested: * path (note, this only applies to files and folders) * properties
- fields string[]? (default ()) - A list of field names. You can use this parameter to restrict the fields returned within a response if, for example, you want to save on overall bandwidth. The list applies to a returned individual entity or entries within a collection. If the API method also supports the include parameter, then the fields specified in the include parameter are returned in addition to those specified in the fields parameter.
Return Type
- FavoriteEntry|error - Successful response
function getFavorite(string personId, string favoriteId, string[]? include, string[]? fields) returns FavoriteEntry|error
Get a favorite
- personId string - The identifier of a person.
- favoriteId string - The identifier of a favorite.
- include string[]? (default ()) - Returns additional information about favorites, the following optional fields can be requested: * path (note, this only applies to files and folders) * properties
- fields string[]? (default ()) - A list of field names. You can use this parameter to restrict the fields returned within a response if, for example, you want to save on overall bandwidth. The list applies to a returned individual entity or entries within a collection. If the API method also supports the include parameter, then the fields specified in the include parameter are returned in addition to those specified in the fields parameter.
Return Type
- FavoriteEntry|error - Successful response
Delete a favorite
- personId string - The identifier of a person.
- favoriteId string - The identifier of a favorite.
function listNetworksForPerson(string personId, int skipCount, int maxItems, string[]? fields) returns PersonNetworkPaging|error
List network membership
- personId string - The identifier of a person.
- skipCount int (default 0) - The number of entities that exist in the collection before those included in this list. If not supplied then the default value is 0.
- maxItems int (default 100) - The maximum number of items to return in the list. If not supplied then the default value is 100.
- fields string[]? (default ()) - A list of field names. You can use this parameter to restrict the fields returned within a response if, for example, you want to save on overall bandwidth. The list applies to a returned individual entity or entries within a collection. If the API method also supports the include parameter, then the fields specified in the include parameter are returned in addition to those specified in the fields parameter.
Return Type
- PersonNetworkPaging|error - Successful response
function getNetworkForPerson(string personId, string networkId, string[]? fields) returns PersonNetworkEntry|error
Get network information
- personId string - The identifier of a person.
- networkId string - The identifier of a network.
- fields string[]? (default ()) - A list of field names. You can use this parameter to restrict the fields returned within a response if, for example, you want to save on overall bandwidth. The list applies to a returned individual entity or entries within a collection. If the API method also supports the include parameter, then the fields specified in the include parameter are returned in addition to those specified in the fields parameter.
Return Type
- PersonNetworkEntry|error - Successful response
function listPreferences(string personId, int skipCount, int maxItems, string[]? fields) returns PreferencePaging|error
List preferences
- personId string - The identifier of a person.
- skipCount int (default 0) - The number of entities that exist in the collection before those included in this list. If not supplied then the default value is 0.
- maxItems int (default 100) - The maximum number of items to return in the list. If not supplied then the default value is 100.
- fields string[]? (default ()) - A list of field names. You can use this parameter to restrict the fields returned within a response if, for example, you want to save on overall bandwidth. The list applies to a returned individual entity or entries within a collection. If the API method also supports the include parameter, then the fields specified in the include parameter are returned in addition to those specified in the fields parameter.
Return Type
- PreferencePaging|error - Successful response
function getPreference(string personId, string preferenceName, string[]? fields) returns PreferenceEntry|error
Get a preference
- personId string - The identifier of a person.
- preferenceName string - The name of the preference.
- fields string[]? (default ()) - A list of field names. You can use this parameter to restrict the fields returned within a response if, for example, you want to save on overall bandwidth. The list applies to a returned individual entity or entries within a collection. If the API method also supports the include parameter, then the fields specified in the include parameter are returned in addition to those specified in the fields parameter.
Return Type
- PreferenceEntry|error - Successful response
function listSiteMembershipRequestsForPerson(string personId, int skipCount, int maxItems, string[]? fields) returns SiteMembershipRequestPaging|error
List site membership requests
- personId string - The identifier of a person.
- skipCount int (default 0) - The number of entities that exist in the collection before those included in this list. If not supplied then the default value is 0.
- maxItems int (default 100) - The maximum number of items to return in the list. If not supplied then the default value is 100.
- fields string[]? (default ()) - A list of field names. You can use this parameter to restrict the fields returned within a response if, for example, you want to save on overall bandwidth. The list applies to a returned individual entity or entries within a collection. If the API method also supports the include parameter, then the fields specified in the include parameter are returned in addition to those specified in the fields parameter.
Return Type
- SiteMembershipRequestPaging|error - Successful response
function getSiteMembershipRequestForPerson(string personId, string siteId, string[]? fields) returns SiteMembershipRequestEntry|error
Get a site membership request
- personId string - The identifier of a person.
- siteId string - The identifier of a site.
- fields string[]? (default ()) - A list of field names. You can use this parameter to restrict the fields returned within a response if, for example, you want to save on overall bandwidth. The list applies to a returned individual entity or entries within a collection. If the API method also supports the include parameter, then the fields specified in the include parameter are returned in addition to those specified in the fields parameter.
Return Type
- SiteMembershipRequestEntry|error - Successful response
function updateSiteMembershipRequestForPerson(string personId, string siteId, SiteMembershipRequestBodyUpdate payload, string[]? fields) returns SiteMembershipRequestEntry|error
Update a site membership request
- personId string - The identifier of a person.
- siteId string - The identifier of a site.
- payload SiteMembershipRequestBodyUpdate - The new message to display
- fields string[]? (default ()) - A list of field names. You can use this parameter to restrict the fields returned within a response if, for example, you want to save on overall bandwidth. The list applies to a returned individual entity or entries within a collection. If the API method also supports the include parameter, then the fields specified in the include parameter are returned in addition to those specified in the fields parameter.
Return Type
- SiteMembershipRequestEntry|error - Successful response
function deleteSiteMembershipRequestForPerson(string personId, string siteId) returns Response|error
Delete a site membership request
function listSiteMembershipsForPerson(string personId, int skipCount, int maxItems, string[]? orderBy, string[]? relations, string[]? fields, string? 'where) returns SiteRolePaging|error
List site memberships
- personId string - The identifier of a person.
- skipCount int (default 0) - The number of entities that exist in the collection before those included in this list. If not supplied then the default value is 0.
- maxItems int (default 100) - The maximum number of items to return in the list. If not supplied then the default value is 100.
- orderBy string[]? (default ()) - A string to control the order of the entities returned in a list. You can use the orderBy parameter to sort the list by one or more fields. Each field has a default sort order, which is normally ascending order. Read the API method implementation notes above to check if any fields used in this method have a descending default search order. To sort the entities in a specific order, you can use the ASC and DESC keywords for any field.
- relations string[]? (default ()) - Use the relations parameter to include one or more related entities in a single response.
- fields string[]? (default ()) - A list of field names. You can use this parameter to restrict the fields returned within a response if, for example, you want to save on overall bandwidth. The list applies to a returned individual entity or entries within a collection. If the API method also supports the include parameter, then the fields specified in the include parameter are returned in addition to those specified in the fields parameter.
- 'where string? (default ()) - A string to restrict the returned objects by using a predicate.
Return Type
- SiteRolePaging|error - Successful response
function getSiteMembershipForPerson(string personId, string siteId) returns SiteRoleEntry|error
Get a site membership
Return Type
- SiteRoleEntry|error - Successful response
Delete a site membership
function listGroupMembershipsForPerson(string personId, int skipCount, int maxItems, string[]? orderBy, string[]? include, string? 'where, string[]? fields) returns GroupPaging|error
List group memberships
- personId string - The identifier of a person.
- skipCount int (default 0) - The number of entities that exist in the collection before those included in this list. If not supplied then the default value is 0.
- maxItems int (default 100) - The maximum number of items to return in the list. If not supplied then the default value is 100.
- orderBy string[]? (default ()) - A string to control the order of the entities returned in a list. You can use the orderBy parameter to sort the list by one or more fields. Each field has a default sort order, which is normally ascending order. Read the API method implementation notes above to check if any fields used in this method have a descending default search order. To sort the entities in a specific order, you can use the ASC and DESC keywords for any field.
- include string[]? (default ()) - Returns additional information about the group. The following optional fields can be requested: * parentIds * zones
- 'where string? (default ()) - A string to restrict the returned objects by using a predicate.
- fields string[]? (default ()) - A list of field names. You can use this parameter to restrict the fields returned within a response if, for example, you want to save on overall bandwidth. The list applies to a returned individual entity or entries within a collection. If the API method also supports the include parameter, then the fields specified in the include parameter are returned in addition to those specified in the fields parameter.
Return Type
- GroupPaging|error - Successful response
function requestPasswordReset(string personId, ClientBody payload) returns Response|error
Request password reset
- personId string - The identifier of a person.
- payload ClientBody - The client name to send email with app-specific url.
Return Type
function resetPassword(string personId, PasswordResetBody payload) returns Response|error
Reset password
- personId string - The identifier of a person.
- payload PasswordResetBody - The reset password details
Return Type
- Response|error - Successful response or even when no workflow instance is found with the given id or the workflow instance is invalid (already been used or expired) or the given personId does not match the person's id requesting the password reset or the given workflow key does not match the recovered key.
function getAvatarImage(string personId, boolean attachment, string? ifModifiedSince, boolean placeholder) returns string|error
Get avatar image
- personId string - The identifier of a person.
- attachment boolean (default true) - true enables a web browser to download the file as an attachment. false means a web browser may preview the file in a new tab or window, but not download the file. You can only set this parameter to false if the content type of the file is in the supported list; for example, certain image files and PDF files. If the content type is not supported for preview, then a value of false is ignored, and the attachment will be returned in the response.
- ifModifiedSince string? (default ()) - Only returns the content if it has been modified since the date provided. Use the date format defined by HTTP. For example,
Wed, 09 Mar 2016 16:56:34 GMT
- placeholder boolean (default true) - If true and there is no avatar for this personId then the placeholder image is returned, rather than a 404 response.
Update avatar image
Delete avatar image
- personId string - The identifier of a person.
function listSites(int skipCount, int maxItems, string[]? orderBy, string[]? relations, string[]? fields, string? 'where) returns SitePaging|error
List sites
- skipCount int (default 0) - The number of entities that exist in the collection before those included in this list. If not supplied then the default value is 0.
- maxItems int (default 100) - The maximum number of items to return in the list. If not supplied then the default value is 100.
- orderBy string[]? (default ()) - A string to control the order of the entities returned in a list. You can use the orderBy parameter to sort the list by one or more fields. Each field has a default sort order, which is normally ascending order. Read the API method implementation notes above to check if any fields used in this method have a descending default search order. To sort the entities in a specific order, you can use the ASC and DESC keywords for any field.
- relations string[]? (default ()) - Use the relations parameter to include one or more related entities in a single response.
- fields string[]? (default ()) - A list of field names. You can use this parameter to restrict the fields returned within a response if, for example, you want to save on overall bandwidth. The list applies to a returned individual entity or entries within a collection. If the API method also supports the include parameter, then the fields specified in the include parameter are returned in addition to those specified in the fields parameter.
- 'where string? (default ()) - A string to restrict the returned objects by using a predicate.
Return Type
- SitePaging|error - Successful response
function createSite(SiteBodyCreate payload, boolean skipConfiguration, boolean skipAddToFavorites, string[]? fields) returns SiteEntry|error
Create a site
- payload SiteBodyCreate - The site details
- skipConfiguration boolean (default false) - Flag to indicate whether the Share-specific (surf) configuration files for the site should not be created.
- skipAddToFavorites boolean (default false) - Flag to indicate whether the site should not be added to the user's site favorites.
- fields string[]? (default ()) - A list of field names. You can use this parameter to restrict the fields returned within a response if, for example, you want to save on overall bandwidth. The list applies to a returned individual entity or entries within a collection. If the API method also supports the include parameter, then the fields specified in the include parameter are returned in addition to those specified in the fields parameter.
Get a site
- siteId string - The identifier of a site.
- relations string[]? (default ()) - Use the relations parameter to include one or more related entities in a single response.
- fields string[]? (default ()) - A list of field names. You can use this parameter to restrict the fields returned within a response if, for example, you want to save on overall bandwidth. The list applies to a returned individual entity or entries within a collection. If the API method also supports the include parameter, then the fields specified in the include parameter are returned in addition to those specified in the fields parameter.
function updateSite(string siteId, SiteBodyUpdate payload, string[]? fields) returns SiteEntry|error
Update a site
- siteId string - The identifier of a site.
- payload SiteBodyUpdate - The site information to update.
- fields string[]? (default ()) - A list of field names. You can use this parameter to restrict the fields returned within a response if, for example, you want to save on overall bandwidth. The list applies to a returned individual entity or entries within a collection. If the API method also supports the include parameter, then the fields specified in the include parameter are returned in addition to those specified in the fields parameter.
Delete a site
- siteId string - The identifier of a site.
- permanent boolean (default false) - Flag to indicate whether the site should be permanently deleted i.e. bypass the trashcan.
function listSiteContainers(string siteId, int skipCount, int maxItems, string[]? fields) returns SiteContainerPaging|error
List site containers
- siteId string - The identifier of a site.
- skipCount int (default 0) - The number of entities that exist in the collection before those included in this list. If not supplied then the default value is 0.
- maxItems int (default 100) - The maximum number of items to return in the list. If not supplied then the default value is 100.
- fields string[]? (default ()) - A list of field names. You can use this parameter to restrict the fields returned within a response if, for example, you want to save on overall bandwidth. The list applies to a returned individual entity or entries within a collection. If the API method also supports the include parameter, then the fields specified in the include parameter are returned in addition to those specified in the fields parameter.
Return Type
- SiteContainerPaging|error - Successful response
function getSiteContainer(string siteId, string containerId, string[]? fields) returns SiteContainerEntry|error
Get a site container
- siteId string - The identifier of a site.
- containerId string - The unique identifier of a site container.
- fields string[]? (default ()) - A list of field names. You can use this parameter to restrict the fields returned within a response if, for example, you want to save on overall bandwidth. The list applies to a returned individual entity or entries within a collection. If the API method also supports the include parameter, then the fields specified in the include parameter are returned in addition to those specified in the fields parameter.
Return Type
- SiteContainerEntry|error - Successful response
function getSiteMembershipRequests(int skipCount, int maxItems, string? 'where, string[]? fields) returns SiteMembershipRequestWithPersonPaging|error
Get site membership requests
- skipCount int (default 0) - The number of entities that exist in the collection before those included in this list. If not supplied then the default value is 0.
- maxItems int (default 100) - The maximum number of items to return in the list. If not supplied then the default value is 100.
- 'where string? (default ()) - A string to restrict the returned objects by using a predicate.
- fields string[]? (default ()) - A list of field names. You can use this parameter to restrict the fields returned within a response if, for example, you want to save on overall bandwidth. The list applies to a returned individual entity or entries within a collection. If the API method also supports the include parameter, then the fields specified in the include parameter are returned in addition to those specified in the fields parameter.
Return Type
- SiteMembershipRequestWithPersonPaging|error - Successful response
function approveSiteMembershipRequest(string siteId, string inviteeId, SiteMembershipApprovalBody payload) returns Response|error
Approve a site membership request
- siteId string - The identifier of a site.
- inviteeId string - The invitee user name.
- payload SiteMembershipApprovalBody - Accepting a request to join, optionally, allows assignment of a role to the user.
function rejectSiteMembershipRequest(string siteId, string inviteeId, SiteMembershipRejectionBody payload) returns Response|error
Reject a site membership request
- siteId string - The identifier of a site.
- inviteeId string - The invitee user name.
- payload SiteMembershipRejectionBody - Rejecting a request to join, optionally, allows the inclusion of comment.
function listSiteMemberships(string siteId, int skipCount, int maxItems, string[]? fields, string? 'where) returns SiteMemberPaging|error
List site memberships
- siteId string - The identifier of a site.
- skipCount int (default 0) - The number of entities that exist in the collection before those included in this list. If not supplied then the default value is 0.
- maxItems int (default 100) - The maximum number of items to return in the list. If not supplied then the default value is 100.
- fields string[]? (default ()) - A list of field names. You can use this parameter to restrict the fields returned within a response if, for example, you want to save on overall bandwidth. The list applies to a returned individual entity or entries within a collection. If the API method also supports the include parameter, then the fields specified in the include parameter are returned in addition to those specified in the fields parameter.
- 'where string? (default ()) - Optionally filter the list. *
Return Type
- SiteMemberPaging|error - Successful response
function createSiteMembership(string siteId, SiteMembershipBodyCreate payload, string[]? fields) returns SiteMemberEntry|error
Create a site membership
- siteId string - The identifier of a site.
- payload SiteMembershipBodyCreate - The person to add and their role
- fields string[]? (default ()) - A list of field names. You can use this parameter to restrict the fields returned within a response if, for example, you want to save on overall bandwidth. The list applies to a returned individual entity or entries within a collection. If the API method also supports the include parameter, then the fields specified in the include parameter are returned in addition to those specified in the fields parameter.
Return Type
- SiteMemberEntry|error - Successful response
function getSiteMembership(string siteId, string personId, string[]? fields) returns SiteMemberEntry|error
Get a site membership
- siteId string - The identifier of a site.
- personId string - The identifier of a person.
- fields string[]? (default ()) - A list of field names. You can use this parameter to restrict the fields returned within a response if, for example, you want to save on overall bandwidth. The list applies to a returned individual entity or entries within a collection. If the API method also supports the include parameter, then the fields specified in the include parameter are returned in addition to those specified in the fields parameter.
Return Type
- SiteMemberEntry|error - Successful response
function updateSiteMembership(string siteId, string personId, SiteMembershipBodyUpdate payload, string[]? fields) returns SiteMemberEntry|error
Update a site membership
- siteId string - The identifier of a site.
- personId string - The identifier of a person.
- payload SiteMembershipBodyUpdate - The persons new role
- fields string[]? (default ()) - A list of field names. You can use this parameter to restrict the fields returned within a response if, for example, you want to save on overall bandwidth. The list applies to a returned individual entity or entries within a collection. If the API method also supports the include parameter, then the fields specified in the include parameter are returned in addition to those specified in the fields parameter.
Return Type
- SiteMemberEntry|error - Successful response
Delete a site membership
function listSiteGroups(string siteId, int skipCount, int maxItems, string[]? fields) returns SiteGroupPaging|error
List group membership for site
- siteId string - The identifier of a site.
- skipCount int (default 0) - The number of entities that exist in the collection before those included in this list. If not supplied then the default value is 0.
- maxItems int (default 100) - The maximum number of items to return in the list. If not supplied then the default value is 100.
- fields string[]? (default ()) - A list of field names. You can use this parameter to restrict the fields returned within a response if, for example, you want to save on overall bandwidth. The list applies to a returned individual entity or entries within a collection. If the API method also supports the include parameter, then the fields specified in the include parameter are returned in addition to those specified in the fields parameter.
Return Type
- SiteGroupPaging|error - Successful response
function createSiteGroupMembership(string siteId, SiteMembershipBodyCreate payload, string[]? fields) returns SiteGroupEntry|error
Create a site membership for group
- siteId string - The identifier of a site.
- payload SiteMembershipBodyCreate - The group to add and their role
- fields string[]? (default ()) - A list of field names. You can use this parameter to restrict the fields returned within a response if, for example, you want to save on overall bandwidth. The list applies to a returned individual entity or entries within a collection. If the API method also supports the include parameter, then the fields specified in the include parameter are returned in addition to those specified in the fields parameter.
Return Type
- SiteGroupEntry|error - Successful response
function getSiteGroupMembership(string siteId, string groupId, string[]? fields) returns SiteGroupEntry|error
Get information about site membership of group
- siteId string - The identifier of a site.
- groupId string - The identifier of a group.
- fields string[]? (default ()) - A list of field names. You can use this parameter to restrict the fields returned within a response if, for example, you want to save on overall bandwidth. The list applies to a returned individual entity or entries within a collection. If the API method also supports the include parameter, then the fields specified in the include parameter are returned in addition to those specified in the fields parameter.
Return Type
- SiteGroupEntry|error - Successful response
function updateSiteGroupMembership(string siteId, string groupId, SiteMembershipBodyUpdate payload, string[]? fields) returns SiteGroupEntry|error
Update site membership of group
- siteId string - The identifier of a site.
- groupId string - The identifier of a group.
- payload SiteMembershipBodyUpdate - The groupId new role
- fields string[]? (default ()) - A list of field names. You can use this parameter to restrict the fields returned within a response if, for example, you want to save on overall bandwidth. The list applies to a returned individual entity or entries within a collection. If the API method also supports the include parameter, then the fields specified in the include parameter are returned in addition to those specified in the fields parameter.
Return Type
- SiteGroupEntry|error - Successful response
Delete a group membership for site
function listTags(int skipCount, int maxItems, string[]? fields, string[]? include) returns TagPaging|error
List tags
- skipCount int (default 0) - The number of entities that exist in the collection before those included in this list. If not supplied then the default value is 0.
- maxItems int (default 100) - The maximum number of items to return in the list. If not supplied then the default value is 100.
- fields string[]? (default ()) - A list of field names. You can use this parameter to restrict the fields returned within a response if, for example, you want to save on overall bandwidth. The list applies to a returned individual entity or entries within a collection. If the API method also supports the include parameter, then the fields specified in the include parameter are returned in addition to those specified in the fields parameter.
- include string[]? (default ()) - Returns additional information about the tag. The following optional fields can be requested: * count
Get a tag
- tagId string - The identifier of a tag.
- fields string[]? (default ()) - A list of field names. You can use this parameter to restrict the fields returned within a response if, for example, you want to save on overall bandwidth. The list applies to a returned individual entity or entries within a collection. If the API method also supports the include parameter, then the fields specified in the include parameter are returned in addition to those specified in the fields parameter.
Update a tag
- tagId string - The identifier of a tag.
- payload TagBody - The updated tag
- fields string[]? (default ()) - A list of field names. You can use this parameter to restrict the fields returned within a response if, for example, you want to save on overall bandwidth. The list applies to a returned individual entity or entries within a collection. If the API method also supports the include parameter, then the fields specified in the include parameter are returned in addition to those specified in the fields parameter.
function getNetwork(string networkId, string[]? fields) returns PersonNetworkEntry|error
Get a network
- networkId string - The identifier of a network.
- fields string[]? (default ()) - A list of field names. You can use this parameter to restrict the fields returned within a response if, for example, you want to save on overall bandwidth. The list applies to a returned individual entity or entries within a collection. If the API method also supports the include parameter, then the fields specified in the include parameter are returned in addition to those specified in the fields parameter.
Return Type
- PersonNetworkEntry|error - Successful response
function listSharedLinks(int skipCount, int maxItems, string? 'where, string[]? include, string[]? fields) returns SharedLinkPaging|error
List shared links
- skipCount int (default 0) - The number of entities that exist in the collection before those included in this list. If not supplied then the default value is 0.
- maxItems int (default 100) - The maximum number of items to return in the list. If not supplied then the default value is 100.
- 'where string? (default ()) - Optionally filter the list by "sharedByUser" userid of person who shared the link (can also use -me-) *
- include string[]? (default ()) - Returns additional information about the shared link, the following optional fields can be requested: * allowableOperations * path * properties * isFavorite * aspectNames
- fields string[]? (default ()) - A list of field names. You can use this parameter to restrict the fields returned within a response if, for example, you want to save on overall bandwidth. The list applies to a returned individual entity or entries within a collection. If the API method also supports the include parameter, then the fields specified in the include parameter are returned in addition to those specified in the fields parameter.
Return Type
- SharedLinkPaging|error - Successful response
function createSharedLink(SharedLinkBodyCreate payload, string[]? include, string[]? fields) returns SharedLinkEntry|error
Create a shared link to a file
- payload SharedLinkBodyCreate - The nodeId to create a shared link for.
- include string[]? (default ()) - Returns additional information about the shared link, the following optional fields can be requested: * allowableOperations * path * properties * isFavorite * aspectNames
- fields string[]? (default ()) - A list of field names. You can use this parameter to restrict the fields returned within a response if, for example, you want to save on overall bandwidth. The list applies to a returned individual entity or entries within a collection. If the API method also supports the include parameter, then the fields specified in the include parameter are returned in addition to those specified in the fields parameter.
Return Type
- SharedLinkEntry|error - Successful response
function getSharedLink(string sharedId, string[]? fields) returns SharedLinkEntry|error
Get a shared link
- sharedId string - The identifier of a shared link to a file.
- fields string[]? (default ()) - A list of field names. You can use this parameter to restrict the fields returned within a response if, for example, you want to save on overall bandwidth. The list applies to a returned individual entity or entries within a collection. If the API method also supports the include parameter, then the fields specified in the include parameter are returned in addition to those specified in the fields parameter.
Return Type
- SharedLinkEntry|error - Successful response
Deletes a shared link
- sharedId string - The identifier of a shared link to a file.
function getSharedLinkContent(string sharedId, boolean attachment, string? ifModifiedSince, string? range) returns string|error?
Get shared link content
- sharedId string - The identifier of a shared link to a file.
- attachment boolean (default true) - true enables a web browser to download the file as an attachment. false means a web browser may preview the file in a new tab or window, but not download the file. You can only set this parameter to false if the content type of the file is in the supported list; for example, certain image files and PDF files. If the content type is not supported for preview, then a value of false is ignored, and the attachment will be returned in the response.
- ifModifiedSince string? (default ()) - Only returns the content if it has been modified since the date provided. Use the date format defined by HTTP. For example,
Wed, 09 Mar 2016 16:56:34 GMT
- range string? (default ()) - The Range header indicates the part of a document that the server should return. Single part request supported, for example: bytes=1-10.
function listSharedLinkRenditions(string sharedId) returns RenditionPaging|error
List renditions for a shared link
- sharedId string - The identifier of a shared link to a file.
Return Type
- RenditionPaging|error - Successful response
function getSharedLinkRendition(string sharedId, string renditionId) returns RenditionEntry|error
Get shared link rendition information
- sharedId string - The identifier of a shared link to a file.
- renditionId string - The name of a thumbnail rendition, for example doclib, or pdf.
Return Type
- RenditionEntry|error - Successful response
function getSharedLinkRenditionContent(string sharedId, string renditionId, boolean attachment, string? ifModifiedSince, string? range) returns string|error?
Get shared link rendition content
- sharedId string - The identifier of a shared link to a file.
- renditionId string - The name of a thumbnail rendition, for example doclib, or pdf.
- attachment boolean (default true) - true enables a web browser to download the file as an attachment. false means a web browser may preview the file in a new tab or window, but not download the file. You can only set this parameter to false if the content type of the file is in the supported list; for example, certain image files and PDF files. If the content type is not supported for preview, then a value of false is ignored, and the attachment will be returned in the response.
- ifModifiedSince string? (default ()) - Only returns the content if it has been modified since the date provided. Use the date format defined by HTTP. For example,
Wed, 09 Mar 2016 16:56:34 GMT
- range string? (default ()) - The Range header indicates the part of a document that the server should return. Single part request supported, for example: bytes=1-10.
function emailSharedLink(string sharedId, SharedLinkBodyEmail payload) returns Response|error
Email shared link
- sharedId string - The identifier of a shared link to a file.
- payload SharedLinkBodyEmail - The shared link email to send.
function getProbe(string probeId) returns ProbeEntry|error
Check readiness and liveness of the repository
- probeId string - The name of the probe: * -ready- * -live-
Return Type
- ProbeEntry|error - Successful response
function findNodes(string term, string? rootNodeId, int skipCount, int maxItems, string? nodeType, string[]? include, string[]? orderBy, string[]? fields) returns NodePaging|error
Find nodes
- term string - The term to search for.
- rootNodeId string? (default ()) - The id of the node to start the search from. Supports the aliases -my-, -root- and -shared-.
- skipCount int (default 0) - The number of entities that exist in the collection before those included in this list. If not supplied then the default value is 0.
- maxItems int (default 100) - The maximum number of items to return in the list. If not supplied then the default value is 100.
- nodeType string? (default ()) - Restrict the returned results to only those of the given node type and its sub-types
- include string[]? (default ()) - Returns additional information about the node. The following optional fields can be requested: * allowableOperations * aspectNames * isLink * isFavorite * isLocked * path * properties
- orderBy string[]? (default ()) - A string to control the order of the entities returned in a list. You can use the orderBy parameter to sort the list by one or more fields. Each field has a default sort order, which is normally ascending order. Read the API method implementation notes above to check if any fields used in this method have a descending default search order. To sort the entities in a specific order, you can use the ASC and DESC keywords for any field.
- fields string[]? (default ()) - A list of field names. You can use this parameter to restrict the fields returned within a response if, for example, you want to save on overall bandwidth. The list applies to a returned individual entity or entries within a collection. If the API method also supports the include parameter, then the fields specified in the include parameter are returned in addition to those specified in the fields parameter.
Return Type
- NodePaging|error - Successful response
function findSites(string term, int skipCount, int maxItems, string[]? orderBy, string[]? fields) returns SitePaging|error
Find sites
- term string - The term to search for.
- skipCount int (default 0) - The number of entities that exist in the collection before those included in this list. If not supplied then the default value is 0.
- maxItems int (default 100) - The maximum number of items to return in the list. If not supplied then the default value is 100.
- orderBy string[]? (default ()) - A string to control the order of the entities returned in a list. You can use the orderBy parameter to sort the list by one or more fields. Each field has a default sort order, which is normally ascending order. Read the API method implementation notes above to check if any fields used in this method have a descending default search order. To sort the entities in a specific order, you can use the ASC and DESC keywords for any field.
- fields string[]? (default ()) - A list of field names. You can use this parameter to restrict the fields returned within a response if, for example, you want to save on overall bandwidth. The list applies to a returned individual entity or entries within a collection. If the API method also supports the include parameter, then the fields specified in the include parameter are returned in addition to those specified in the fields parameter.
Return Type
- SitePaging|error - Successful response
function findPeople(string term, int skipCount, int maxItems, string[]? fields, string[]? orderBy) returns PersonPaging|error
Find people
- term string - The term to search for.
- skipCount int (default 0) - The number of entities that exist in the collection before those included in this list. If not supplied then the default value is 0.
- maxItems int (default 100) - The maximum number of items to return in the list. If not supplied then the default value is 100.
- fields string[]? (default ()) - A list of field names. You can use this parameter to restrict the fields returned within a response if, for example, you want to save on overall bandwidth. The list applies to a returned individual entity or entries within a collection. If the API method also supports the include parameter, then the fields specified in the include parameter are returned in addition to those specified in the fields parameter.
- orderBy string[]? (default ()) - A string to control the order of the entities returned in a list. You can use the orderBy parameter to sort the list by one or more fields. Each field has a default sort order, which is normally ascending order. Read the API method implementation notes above to check if any fields used in this method have a descending default search order. To sort the entities in a specific order, you can use the ASC and DESC keywords for any field.
Return Type
- PersonPaging|error - Successful response
function listGroups(int skipCount, int maxItems, string[]? orderBy, string[]? include, string? 'where, string[]? fields) returns GroupPaging|error
List groups
- skipCount int (default 0) - The number of entities that exist in the collection before those included in this list. If not supplied then the default value is 0.
- maxItems int (default 100) - The maximum number of items to return in the list. If not supplied then the default value is 100.
- orderBy string[]? (default ()) - A string to control the order of the entities returned in a list. You can use the orderBy parameter to sort the list by one or more fields. Each field has a default sort order, which is normally ascending order. Read the API method implementation notes above to check if any fields used in this method have a descending default search order. To sort the entities in a specific order, you can use the ASC and DESC keywords for any field.
- include string[]? (default ()) - Returns additional information about the group. The following optional fields can be requested: * parentIds * zones
- 'where string? (default ()) - A string to restrict the returned objects by using a predicate.
- fields string[]? (default ()) - A list of field names. You can use this parameter to restrict the fields returned within a response if, for example, you want to save on overall bandwidth. The list applies to a returned individual entity or entries within a collection. If the API method also supports the include parameter, then the fields specified in the include parameter are returned in addition to those specified in the fields parameter.
Return Type
- GroupPaging|error - Successful response
function createGroup(GroupBodyCreate payload, string[]? include, string[]? fields) returns GroupEntry|error
Create a group
- payload GroupBodyCreate - The group to create.
- include string[]? (default ()) - Returns additional information about the group. The following optional fields can be requested: * parentIds * zones
- fields string[]? (default ()) - A list of field names. You can use this parameter to restrict the fields returned within a response if, for example, you want to save on overall bandwidth. The list applies to a returned individual entity or entries within a collection. If the API method also supports the include parameter, then the fields specified in the include parameter are returned in addition to those specified in the fields parameter.
Return Type
- GroupEntry|error - Successful response
function getGroup(string groupId, string[]? include, string[]? fields) returns GroupEntry|error
Get group details
- groupId string - The identifier of a group.
- include string[]? (default ()) - Returns additional information about the group. The following optional fields can be requested: * parentIds * zones
- fields string[]? (default ()) - A list of field names. You can use this parameter to restrict the fields returned within a response if, for example, you want to save on overall bandwidth. The list applies to a returned individual entity or entries within a collection. If the API method also supports the include parameter, then the fields specified in the include parameter are returned in addition to those specified in the fields parameter.
Return Type
- GroupEntry|error - Successful response
function updateGroup(string groupId, GroupBodyUpdate payload, string[]? include, string[]? fields) returns GroupEntry|error
Update group details
- groupId string - The identifier of a group.
- payload GroupBodyUpdate - The group information to update.
- include string[]? (default ()) - Returns additional information about the group. The following optional fields can be requested: * parentIds * zones
- fields string[]? (default ()) - A list of field names. You can use this parameter to restrict the fields returned within a response if, for example, you want to save on overall bandwidth. The list applies to a returned individual entity or entries within a collection. If the API method also supports the include parameter, then the fields specified in the include parameter are returned in addition to those specified in the fields parameter.
Return Type
- GroupEntry|error - Successful response
Delete a group
- groupId string - The identifier of a group.
- cascade boolean (default false) - If true then the delete will be applied in cascade to sub-groups.
function listGroupMemberships(string groupId, int skipCount, int maxItems, string[]? orderBy, string? 'where, string[]? fields) returns GroupMemberPaging|error
List memberships of a group
- groupId string - The identifier of a group.
- skipCount int (default 0) - The number of entities that exist in the collection before those included in this list. If not supplied then the default value is 0.
- maxItems int (default 100) - The maximum number of items to return in the list. If not supplied then the default value is 100.
- orderBy string[]? (default ()) - A string to control the order of the entities returned in a list. You can use the orderBy parameter to sort the list by one or more fields. Each field has a default sort order, which is normally ascending order. Read the API method implementation notes above to check if any fields used in this method have a descending default search order. To sort the entities in a specific order, you can use the ASC and DESC keywords for any field.
- 'where string? (default ()) - A string to restrict the returned objects by using a predicate.
- fields string[]? (default ()) - A list of field names. You can use this parameter to restrict the fields returned within a response if, for example, you want to save on overall bandwidth. The list applies to a returned individual entity or entries within a collection. If the API method also supports the include parameter, then the fields specified in the include parameter are returned in addition to those specified in the fields parameter.
Return Type
- GroupMemberPaging|error - Successful response
function createGroupMembership(string groupId, GroupMembershipBodyCreate payload, string[]? fields) returns GroupMemberEntry|error
Create a group membership
- groupId string - The identifier of a group.
- payload GroupMembershipBodyCreate - The group membership to add (person or sub-group).
- fields string[]? (default ()) - A list of field names. You can use this parameter to restrict the fields returned within a response if, for example, you want to save on overall bandwidth. The list applies to a returned individual entity or entries within a collection. If the API method also supports the include parameter, then the fields specified in the include parameter are returned in addition to those specified in the fields parameter.
Return Type
- GroupMemberEntry|error - Successful response
Delete a group membership
- groupId string - The identifier of a group.
- groupMemberId string - The identifier of a person or group.
function listAuditApps(int skipCount, int maxItems, string[]? fields) returns AuditAppPaging|error
List audit applications
- skipCount int (default 0) - The number of entities that exist in the collection before those included in this list. If not supplied then the default value is 0.
- maxItems int (default 100) - The maximum number of items to return in the list. If not supplied then the default value is 100.
- fields string[]? (default ()) - A list of field names. You can use this parameter to restrict the fields returned within a response if, for example, you want to save on overall bandwidth. The list applies to a returned individual entity or entries within a collection. If the API method also supports the include parameter, then the fields specified in the include parameter are returned in addition to those specified in the fields parameter.
Return Type
- AuditAppPaging|error - Successful response
function getAuditApp(string auditApplicationId, string[]? fields, string[]? include) returns AuditApp|error
Get audit application info
- auditApplicationId string - The identifier of an audit application.
- fields string[]? (default ()) - A list of field names. You can use this parameter to restrict the fields returned within a response if, for example, you want to save on overall bandwidth. The list applies to a returned individual entity or entries within a collection. If the API method also supports the include parameter, then the fields specified in the include parameter are returned in addition to those specified in the fields parameter.
- include string[]? (default ()) - Also include the current minimum and/or maximum audit entry ids for the application. The following optional fields can be requested: * max * min
function updateAuditApp(string auditApplicationId, AuditBodyUpdate payload, string[]? fields) returns AuditApp|error
Update audit application info
- auditApplicationId string - The identifier of an audit application.
- payload AuditBodyUpdate - The audit application to update.
- fields string[]? (default ()) - A list of field names. You can use this parameter to restrict the fields returned within a response if, for example, you want to save on overall bandwidth. The list applies to a returned individual entity or entries within a collection. If the API method also supports the include parameter, then the fields specified in the include parameter are returned in addition to those specified in the fields parameter.
function listAuditEntriesForAuditApp(string auditApplicationId, int skipCount, boolean omitTotalItems, string[]? orderBy, int maxItems, string? 'where, string[]? include, string[]? fields) returns AuditEntryPaging|error
List audit entries for an audit application
- auditApplicationId string - The identifier of an audit application.
- skipCount int (default 0) - The number of entities that exist in the collection before those included in this list. If not supplied then the default value is 0.
- omitTotalItems boolean (default false) - A boolean to control if the response provides the total numbers of items in the collection. If not supplied then the default value is false.
- orderBy string[]? (default ()) - A string to control the order of the entities returned in a list. You can use the orderBy parameter to sort the list by one or more fields. Each field has a default sort order, which is normally ascending order. Read the API method implementation notes above to check if any fields used in this method have a descending default search order. To sort the entities in a specific order, you can use the ASC and DESC keywords for any field.
- maxItems int (default 100) - The maximum number of items to return in the list. If not supplied then the default value is 100.
- 'where string? (default ()) - Optionally filter the list. Here are some examples: *
*where=(id BETWEEN ('1234', '4321')
*where=(createdAt BETWEEN ('2017-06-02T12:13:51.593+01:00' , '2017-06-04T10:05:16.536+01:00')
*where=(createdByUser='jbloggs' and createdAt BETWEEN ('2017-06-02T12:13:51.593+01:00' , '2017-06-04T10:05:16.536+01:00')
*where=(valuesKey='/alfresco-access/transaction/action' and valuesValue='DELETE')
- include string[]? (default ()) - Returns additional information about the audit entry. The following optional fields can be requested: * values
- fields string[]? (default ()) - A list of field names. You can use this parameter to restrict the fields returned within a response if, for example, you want to save on overall bandwidth. The list applies to a returned individual entity or entries within a collection. If the API method also supports the include parameter, then the fields specified in the include parameter are returned in addition to those specified in the fields parameter.
Return Type
- AuditEntryPaging|error - Successful response
function deleteAuditEntriesForAuditApp(string auditApplicationId, string 'where) returns Response|error
Permanently delete audit entries for an audit application
- auditApplicationId string - The identifier of an audit application.
- 'where string - Audit entries to permanently delete for an audit application, given an inclusive time period or range of ids. For example: *
where=(createdAt BETWEEN ('2017-06-02T12:13:51.593+01:00' , '2017-06-04T10:05:16.536+01:00')
*where=(id BETWEEN ('1234', '4321')
function getAuditEntry(string auditApplicationId, string auditEntryId, string[]? fields) returns AuditEntryEntry|error
Get audit entry
- auditApplicationId string - The identifier of an audit application.
- auditEntryId string - The identifier of an audit entry.
- fields string[]? (default ()) - A list of field names. You can use this parameter to restrict the fields returned within a response if, for example, you want to save on overall bandwidth. The list applies to a returned individual entity or entries within a collection. If the API method also supports the include parameter, then the fields specified in the include parameter are returned in addition to those specified in the fields parameter.
Return Type
- AuditEntryEntry|error - Successful response
Permanently delete an audit entry
- auditApplicationId string - The identifier of an audit application.
- auditEntryId string - The identifier of an audit entry.
function listAuditEntriesForNode(string nodeId, int skipCount, string[]? orderBy, int maxItems, string? 'where, string[]? include, string[]? fields) returns AuditEntryPaging|error
List audit entries for a node
- nodeId string - The identifier of a node.
- skipCount int (default 0) - The number of entities that exist in the collection before those included in this list. If not supplied then the default value is 0.
- orderBy string[]? (default ()) - A string to control the order of the entities returned in a list. You can use the orderBy parameter to sort the list by one or more fields. Each field has a default sort order, which is normally ascending order. Read the API method implementation notes above to check if any fields used in this method have a descending default search order. To sort the entities in a specific order, you can use the ASC and DESC keywords for any field.
- maxItems int (default 100) - The maximum number of items to return in the list. If not supplied then the default value is 100.
- 'where string? (default ()) - Optionally filter the list. Here are some examples: *
*where=(createdAt BETWEEN ('2017-06-02T12:13:51.593+01:00' , '2017-06-04T10:05:16.536+01:00')
*where=(createdByUser='jbloggs' and createdAt BETWEEN ('2017-06-02T12:13:51.593+01:00' , '2017-06-04T10:05:16.536+01:00')
- include string[]? (default ()) - Returns additional information about the audit entry. The following optional fields can be requested: * values
- fields string[]? (default ()) - A list of field names. You can use this parameter to restrict the fields returned within a response if, for example, you want to save on overall bandwidth. The list applies to a returned individual entity or entries within a collection. If the API method also supports the include parameter, then the fields specified in the include parameter are returned in addition to those specified in the fields parameter.
Return Type
- AuditEntryPaging|error - Successful response
function listActions(int skipCount, int maxItems, string[]? orderBy, string[]? fields) returns ActionDefinitionList|error
Retrieve list of available actions
- skipCount int (default 0) - The number of entities that exist in the collection before those included in this list. If not supplied then the default value is 0.
- maxItems int (default 100) - The maximum number of items to return in the list. If not supplied then the default value is 100.
- orderBy string[]? (default ()) - A string to control the order of the entities returned in a list. You can use the orderBy parameter to sort the list by one or more fields. Each field has a default sort order, which is normally ascending order. Read the API method implementation notes above to check if any fields used in this method have a descending default search order. To sort the entities in a specific order, you can use the ASC and DESC keywords for any field.
- fields string[]? (default ()) - A list of field names. You can use this parameter to restrict the fields returned within a response if, for example, you want to save on overall bandwidth. The list applies to a returned individual entity or entries within a collection. If the API method also supports the include parameter, then the fields specified in the include parameter are returned in addition to those specified in the fields parameter.
Return Type
- ActionDefinitionList|error - Successful response
function actionDetails(string actionDefinitionId) returns ActionDefinitionEntry|error
Retrieve the details of an action definition
- actionDefinitionId string - The identifier of an action definition.
Return Type
- ActionDefinitionEntry|error - Successful response
function actionExec(ActionBodyExec payload) returns ActionExecResultEntry|error
Execute an action
- payload ActionBodyExec - Action execution details
Return Type
- ActionExecResultEntry|error - Action execution request accepted and pending execution.
alfresco: ActionBodyExec
- actionDefinitionId string -
- targetId string? - The entity upon which to execute the action, typically a node ID or similar.
- params record {}? -
alfresco: ActionDefinition
- id string - Identifier of the action definition — used for example when executing an action
- name string? - name of the action definition, e.g. "move"
- title string? - title of the action definition, e.g. "Move"
- description string? - describes the action definition, e.g. "This will move the matched item to another space."
- applicableTypes string[] - QNames of the types this action applies to
- trackStatus boolean - whether the basic action definition supports action tracking or not
- parameterDefinitions ActionParameterDefinition[]? -
alfresco: ActionDefinitionEntry
- entry ActionDefinition -
alfresco: ActionDefinitionList
- list ActiondefinitionlistList? -
alfresco: ActiondefinitionlistList
- pagination Pagination? -
- entries ActionDefinition[]? -
alfresco: ActionExecResult
- id string - The unique identifier of the action pending execution
alfresco: ActionExecResultEntry
- entry ActionExecResult -
alfresco: ActionParameterDefinition
- name string? -
- 'type string? -
- multiValued boolean? -
- mandatory boolean? -
- displayLabel string? -
alfresco: Activity
Activities describe any past activity in a site, for example creating an item of content, commenting on a node, liking an item of content.
- postPersonId string - The id of the person who performed the activity
- id int - The unique id of the activity
- siteId string? - The unique id of the site on which the activity was performed
- postedAt string? - The date time at which the activity was performed
- feedPersonId string - The feed on which this activity was posted
- activitySummary record {}? - An object summarizing the activity
- activityType string - The type of the activity posted
alfresco: ActivityEntry
- entry Activity - Activities describe any past activity in a site, for example creating an item of content, commenting on a node, liking an item of content.
alfresco: ActivityPaging
- list ActivitypagingList -
alfresco: ActivitypagingList
- pagination Pagination -
- entries ActivityEntry[] -
alfresco: Association
- targetId string -
- assocType string -
alfresco: AssociationBody
- targetId string -
- assocType string -
alfresco: AssociationEntry
- entry Association -
alfresco: AssociationInfo
- assocType string -
alfresco: AuditApp
- id string -
- name string? -
- isEnabled boolean(default true) -
- maxEntryId int? -
- minEntryId int? -
alfresco: AuditAppEntry
- entry AuditApp? -
alfresco: AuditAppPaging
- list AuditapppagingList? -
alfresco: AuditapppagingList
- pagination Pagination? -
- entries AuditAppEntry[]? -
alfresco: AuditBodyUpdate
- isEnabled boolean? -
alfresco: AuditEntry
- id string -
- auditApplicationId string -
- createdByUser UserInfo -
- createdAt string -
- values record {}? -
alfresco: AuditEntryEntry
- entry AuditEntry? -
alfresco: AuditEntryPaging
- list AuditentrypagingList? -
alfresco: AuditentrypagingList
- pagination Pagination? -
- entries AuditEntryEntry[]? -
alfresco: Capabilities
- isAdmin boolean? -
- isGuest boolean? -
- isMutable boolean? -
alfresco: ChildAssociation
- childId string -
- assocType string -
alfresco: ChildAssociationBody
- childId string -
- assocType string -
alfresco: ChildAssociationEntry
- entry ChildAssociation -
alfresco: ChildAssociationInfo
- assocType string -
- isPrimary boolean -
alfresco: ClientBody
- 'client string - the client name
alfresco: ClientHttp1Settings
Provides settings related to HTTP/1.x protocol.
- keepAlive KeepAlive(default http:KEEPALIVE_AUTO) - Specifies whether to reuse a connection for multiple requests
- chunking Chunking(default http:CHUNKING_AUTO) - The chunking behaviour of the request
- proxy ProxyConfig? - Proxy server related options
alfresco: Comment
- id string -
- title string -
- content string -
- createdBy Person -
- createdAt string -
- edited boolean -
- modifiedBy Person -
- modifiedAt string -
- canEdit boolean -
- canDelete boolean -
alfresco: CommentBody
- content string -
alfresco: CommentEntry
- entry Comment -
alfresco: CommentPaging
- list CommentpagingList -
alfresco: CommentpagingList
- pagination Pagination -
- entries CommentEntry[] -
alfresco: Company
- organization string? -
- address1 string? -
- address2 string? -
- address3 string? -
- postcode string? -
- telephone string? -
- fax string? -
- email string? -
alfresco: ConnectionConfig
Provides a set of configurations for controlling the behaviours when communicating with a remote HTTP endpoint.
- auth CredentialsConfig - Configurations related to client authentication
- httpVersion HttpVersion(default http:HTTP_2_0) - The HTTP version understood by the client
- http1Settings ClientHttp1Settings? - Configurations related to HTTP/1.x protocol
- http2Settings ClientHttp2Settings? - Configurations related to HTTP/2 protocol
- timeout decimal(default 60) - The maximum time to wait (in seconds) for a response before closing the connection
- forwarded string(default "disable") - The choice of setting
- poolConfig PoolConfiguration? - Configurations associated with request pooling
- cache CacheConfig? - HTTP caching related configurations
- compression Compression(default http:COMPRESSION_AUTO) - Specifies the way of handling compression (
) header
- circuitBreaker CircuitBreakerConfig? - Configurations associated with the behaviour of the Circuit Breaker
- retryConfig RetryConfig? - Configurations associated with retrying
- responseLimits ResponseLimitConfigs? - Configurations associated with inbound response size limits
- secureSocket ClientSecureSocket? - SSL/TLS-related options
- proxy ProxyConfig? - Proxy server related options
- validation boolean(default true) - Enables the inbound payload validation functionality which provided by the constraint package. Enabled by default
alfresco: Constraint
- id string -
- 'type string? - the type of the constraint
- title string? - the human-readable constraint title
- description string? - the human-readable constraint description
- parameters record {}? -
alfresco: ContentInfo
- mimeType string -
- mimeTypeName string? -
- sizeInBytes int? -
- encoding string? -
alfresco: Definition
- properties Property[]? - List of property definitions effective for this node as the result of combining the type with all aspects.
alfresco: DeletedNode
- Fields Included from *Node
- id string
- name string
- nodeType string
- isFolder boolean
- isFile boolean
- isLocked boolean
- modifiedAt string
- modifiedByUser UserInfo
- createdAt string
- createdByUser UserInfo
- parentId string
- isLink boolean
- isFavorite boolean
- content ContentInfo
- aspectNames string[]
- properties record { anydata... }
- allowableOperations string[]
- path PathInfo
- permissions PermissionsInfo
- definition Definition
- anydata...
- archivedByUser UserInfo -
- archivedAt string -
alfresco: DeletedNodeBodyRestore
- targetParentId string? -
- assocType string? -
alfresco: DeletedNodeEntry
- entry DeletedNode? -
alfresco: DeletedNodesPaging
- list DeletednodespagingList? -
alfresco: DeletednodespagingList
- pagination Pagination? -
- entries DeletedNodeEntry[]? -
alfresco: DirectAccessUrlBodyCreate
- expiresAt string? -
- validFor int? - The length of time in seconds that the url is valid for.
alfresco: Download
- filesAdded int? - number of files added so far in the zip
- bytesAdded int? - number of bytes added so far in the zip
- id string? - the id of the download node
- totalFiles int? - the total number of files to be added in the zip
- totalBytes int? - the total number of bytes to be added in the zip
- status string? - the current status of the download node creation
alfresco: DownloadBodyCreate
- nodeIds string[] -
alfresco: DownloadEntry
- entry Download -
alfresco: Error
- 'error ErrorError -
alfresco: ErrorError
- errorKey string? -
- statusCode int -
- briefSummary string -
- stackTrace string -
- descriptionURL string -
- logId string? -
alfresco: Favorite
A favorite describes an Alfresco entity that a person has marked as a favorite. The target can be a site, file or folder.
- targetGuid string - The guid of the object that is a favorite.
- createdAt string? - The time the object was made a favorite.
- target record {} -
- properties record {}? - A subset of the target favorite properties, system properties and properties already available in the target are excluded.
alfresco: FavoriteBodyCreate
- target record {} -
alfresco: FavoriteEntry
- entry Favorite - A favorite describes an Alfresco entity that a person has marked as a favorite. The target can be a site, file or folder.
alfresco: FavoritePaging
- list FavoritepagingList -
alfresco: FavoritepagingList
- pagination Pagination -
- entries FavoriteEntry[] -
alfresco: FavoriteSite
- id string -
alfresco: FavoriteSiteBodyCreate
- id string -
alfresco: FavoriteSiteEntry
- entry FavoriteSite -
alfresco: Group
- id string -
- displayName string -
- isRoot boolean -
- parentIds string[]? -
- zones string[]? -
alfresco: GroupBodyCreate
- id string -
- displayName string -
- parentIds string[]? -
alfresco: GroupBodyUpdate
- displayName string -
alfresco: GroupEntry
- entry Group -
alfresco: GroupMember
- id string -
- displayName string -
- memberType string -
alfresco: GroupMemberEntry
- entry GroupMember -
alfresco: GroupMemberPaging
- list GroupmemberpagingList? -
alfresco: GroupmemberpagingList
- pagination Pagination? -
- entries GroupMemberEntry[]? -
alfresco: GroupMembershipBodyCreate
- id string -
- memberType string -
alfresco: GroupPaging
- list GrouppagingList? -
alfresco: GrouppagingList
- pagination Pagination? -
- entries GroupEntry[]? -
alfresco: NetworkQuota
Limits and usage of each quota. A network will have quotas for File space, the number of sites in the network, the number of people in the network, and the number of network administrators
- id string -
- 'limit int -
- usage int -
alfresco: Node
- id string -
- name string - The name must not contain spaces or the following special characters: * " < > \ / ? : and |. The character . must not be used at the end of the name.
- nodeType string -
- isFolder boolean -
- isFile boolean -
- isLocked boolean(default false) -
- modifiedAt string -
- modifiedByUser UserInfo -
- createdAt string -
- createdByUser UserInfo -
- parentId string? -
- isLink boolean? -
- isFavorite boolean? -
- content ContentInfo? -
- aspectNames string[]? -
- properties record {}? -
- allowableOperations string[]? -
- path PathInfo? -
- permissions PermissionsInfo? -
- definition Definition? -
alfresco: NodeAssociation
- Fields Included from *Node
- id string
- name string
- nodeType string
- isFolder boolean
- isFile boolean
- isLocked boolean
- modifiedAt string
- modifiedByUser UserInfo
- createdAt string
- createdByUser UserInfo
- parentId string
- isLink boolean
- isFavorite boolean
- content ContentInfo
- aspectNames string[]
- properties record { anydata... }
- allowableOperations string[]
- path PathInfo
- permissions PermissionsInfo
- definition Definition
- anydata...
- association AssociationInfo? -
alfresco: NodeAssociationEntry
- entry NodeAssociation -
alfresco: NodeAssociationPaging
- list NodeassociationpagingList? -
alfresco: NodeassociationpagingList
- pagination Pagination? -
- entries NodeAssociationEntry[]? -
- 'source Node? -
alfresco: NodeBodyCopy
- targetParentId string -
- name string? - The name must not contain spaces or the following special characters: * " < > \ / ? : and |. The character . must not be used at the end of the name.
alfresco: NodeBodyCreate
- name string - The name must not contain spaces or the following special characters: * " < > \ / ? : and |. The character . must not be used at the end of the name.
- nodeType string -
- aspectNames string[]? -
- properties record {}? -
- permissions PermissionsBody? -
- definition Definition? -
- relativePath string? -
- association NodebodycreateAssociation? -
- secondaryChildren ChildAssociationBody[]? -
- targets AssociationBody[]? -
alfresco: NodebodycreateAssociation
- assocType string? -
alfresco: NodeBodyLock
- timeToExpire int? -
- 'type string? -
- lifetime string? -
alfresco: NodeBodyMove
- targetParentId string -
- name string? - The name must not contain spaces or the following special characters: * " < > \ / ? : and |. The character . must not be used at the end of the name.
alfresco: NodeBodyUpdate
- name string? - The name must not contain spaces or the following special characters: * " < > \ / ? : and |. The character . must not be used at the end of the name.
- nodeType string? -
- aspectNames string[]? -
- properties record {}? -
- permissions PermissionsBody? -
alfresco: NodeChildAssociation
- Fields Included from *Node
- id string
- name string
- nodeType string
- isFolder boolean
- isFile boolean
- isLocked boolean
- modifiedAt string
- modifiedByUser UserInfo
- createdAt string
- createdByUser UserInfo
- parentId string
- isLink boolean
- isFavorite boolean
- content ContentInfo
- aspectNames string[]
- properties record { anydata... }
- allowableOperations string[]
- path PathInfo
- permissions PermissionsInfo
- definition Definition
- anydata...
- association ChildAssociationInfo? -
alfresco: NodeChildAssociationEntry
- entry NodeChildAssociation -
alfresco: NodeChildAssociationPaging
- list NodechildassociationpagingList? -
alfresco: NodechildassociationpagingList
- pagination Pagination? -
- entries NodeChildAssociationEntry[]? -
- 'source Node? -
alfresco: NodeEntry
- entry Node -
alfresco: NodePaging
- list NodepagingList? -
alfresco: NodepagingList
- pagination Pagination? -
- entries NodeEntry[]? -
- 'source Node? -
alfresco: Pagination
- count int? - The number of objects in the entries array.
- hasMoreItems boolean? - A boolean value which is true if there are more entities in the collection beyond those in this response. A true value means a request with a larger value for the skipCount or the maxItems parameter will return more entities.
- totalItems int? - An integer describing the total number of entities in the collection. The API might not be able to determine this value, in which case this property will not be present.
- skipCount int? - An integer describing how many entities exist in the collection before those included in this list. If there was no skipCount parameter then the default value is 0.
- maxItems int? - The value of the maxItems parameter used to generate this list. If there was no maxItems parameter then the default value is 100.
alfresco: PasswordResetBody
- password string - the new password
- id string - the workflow id provided in the reset password email
- 'key string - the workflow key provided in the reset password email
alfresco: PathElement
- id string? -
- name string? -
- nodeType string? -
- aspectNames string[]? -
alfresco: PathInfo
- elements PathElement[]? -
- name string? -
- isComplete boolean? -
alfresco: PermissionElement
- authorityId string? -
- name string? -
- accessStatus string? -
alfresco: PermissionsBody
- isInheritanceEnabled boolean? -
- locallySet PermissionElement[]? -
alfresco: PermissionsInfo
- isInheritanceEnabled boolean? -
- inherited PermissionElement[]? -
- locallySet PermissionElement[]? -
- settable string[]? -
alfresco: Person
- id string -
- firstName string -
- lastName string? -
- displayName string? -
- description string? -
- avatarId string? -
- email string -
- skypeId string? -
- googleId string? -
- instantMessageId string? -
- jobTitle string? -
- location string? -
- company Company? -
- mobile string? -
- telephone string? -
- statusUpdatedAt string? -
- userStatus string? -
- enabled boolean -
- emailNotificationsEnabled boolean(default true) -
- aspectNames string[]? -
- properties record {}? -
- capabilities Capabilities? -
alfresco: PersonBodyCreate
- id string -
- firstName string -
- lastName string? -
- description string? -
- email string -
- skypeId string? -
- googleId string? -
- instantMessageId string? -
- jobTitle string? -
- location string? -
- company Company? -
- mobile string? -
- telephone string? -
- userStatus string? -
- enabled boolean(default true) -
- emailNotificationsEnabled boolean(default true) -
- password string -
- aspectNames string[]? -
- properties record {}? -
alfresco: PersonBodyUpdate
- firstName string? -
- lastName string? -
- description string? -
- email string? -
- skypeId string? -
- googleId string? -
- instantMessageId string? -
- jobTitle string? -
- location string? -
- company Company? -
- mobile string? -
- telephone string? -
- userStatus string? -
- enabled boolean? -
- emailNotificationsEnabled boolean? -
- password string? -
- oldPassword string? -
- aspectNames string[]? -
- properties record {}? -
alfresco: PersonEntry
- entry Person -
alfresco: PersonNetwork
A network is the group of users and sites that belong to an organization. Networks are organized by email domain. When a user signs up for an Alfresco account , their email domain becomes their Home Network.
- id string - This network's unique id
- homeNetwork boolean? - Is this the home network?
- isEnabled boolean -
- createdAt string? -
- paidNetwork boolean? -
- subscriptionLevel string? -
- quotas NetworkQuota[]? -
alfresco: PersonNetworkEntry
- entry PersonNetwork - A network is the group of users and sites that belong to an organization. Networks are organized by email domain. When a user signs up for an Alfresco account , their email domain becomes their Home Network.
alfresco: PersonNetworkPaging
- list PersonnetworkpagingList -
alfresco: PersonnetworkpagingList
- pagination Pagination -
- entries PersonNetworkEntry[] -
alfresco: PersonPaging
- list PersonpagingList? -
alfresco: PersonpagingList
- pagination Pagination? -
- entries PersonEntry[]? -
alfresco: Preference
A specific preference.
- id string - The unique id of the preference
- value string? - The value of the preference. Note that this can be of any JSON type.
alfresco: PreferenceEntry
- entry Preference - A specific preference.
alfresco: PreferencePaging
- list PreferencepagingList -
alfresco: PreferencepagingList
- pagination Pagination -
- entries PreferenceEntry[] -
alfresco: ProbeEntry
- entry ProbeentryEntry -
alfresco: ProbeentryEntry
- message string -
alfresco: Property
- id string -
- title string? - the human-readable title
- description string? - the human-readable description
- defaultValue string? - the default value
- dataType string? - the name of the property type (e.g. d:text)
- isMultiValued boolean? - define if the property is multi-valued
- isMandatory boolean? - define if the property is mandatory
- isMandatoryEnforced boolean? - define if the presence of mandatory properties is enforced
- isProtected boolean? - define if the property is system maintained
- constraints Constraint[]? - list of constraints defined for the property
alfresco: ProxyConfig
Proxy server configurations to be used with the HTTP client endpoint.
- host string(default "") - Host name of the proxy server
- port int(default 0) - Proxy server port
- userName string(default "") - Proxy server username
- password string(default "") - Proxy server password
alfresco: Rating
A person can rate an item of content by liking it. They can also remove their like of an item of content. API methods exist to get a list of ratings and to add a new rating.
- id string -
- aggregate RatingAggregate -
- ratedAt string? -
- myRating string? - The rating. The type is specific to the rating scheme, boolean for the likes and an integer for the fiveStar.
alfresco: RatingAggregate
- numberOfRatings int -
- average int? -
alfresco: RatingBody
- id string - The rating scheme type. Possible values are likes and fiveStar.
- myRating string - The rating. The type is specific to the rating scheme, boolean for the likes and an integer for the fiveStar
alfresco: RatingEntry
- entry Rating - A person can rate an item of content by liking it. They can also remove their like of an item of content. API methods exist to get a list of ratings and to add a new rating.
alfresco: RatingPaging
- list RatingpagingList -
alfresco: RatingpagingList
- pagination Pagination -
- entries RatingEntry[] -
alfresco: Rendition
- id string? -
- content ContentInfo? -
- status string? -
alfresco: RenditionBodyCreate
- id string -
alfresco: RenditionEntry
- entry Rendition -
alfresco: RenditionPaging
- list RenditionpagingList? -
alfresco: RenditionpagingList
- pagination Pagination? -
- entries RenditionEntry[]? -
alfresco: RevertBody
- majorVersion boolean? -
- comment string? -
alfresco: SharedLink
- id string? -
- expiresAt string? -
- nodeId string? -
- name string? - The name must not contain spaces or the following special characters: * " < > \ / ? : and |. The character . must not be used at the end of the name.
- title string? -
- description string? -
- modifiedAt string? -
- modifiedByUser UserInfo? -
- sharedByUser UserInfo? -
- content ContentInfo? -
- allowableOperations string[]? - The allowable operations for the Quickshare link itself. See allowableOperationsOnTarget for the allowable operations pertaining to the linked content node.
- allowableOperationsOnTarget string[]? - The allowable operations for the content node being shared.
- isFavorite boolean? -
- properties record {}? - A subset of the target node's properties, system properties and properties already available in the SharedLink are excluded.
- aspectNames string[]? -
- path PathInfo? -
alfresco: SharedLinkBodyCreate
- nodeId string -
- expiresAt string? -
alfresco: SharedLinkBodyEmail
- 'client string? -
- message string? -
- locale string? -
- recipientEmails string[]? -
alfresco: SharedLinkEntry
- entry SharedLink -
alfresco: SharedLinkPaging
- list SharedlinkpagingList -
alfresco: SharedlinkpagingList
- pagination Pagination -
- entries SharedLinkEntry[] -
alfresco: Site
- id string -
- guid string -
- title string -
- description string? -
- visibility string -
- preset string? -
- role string? -
alfresco: SiteBodyCreate
- id string? -
- title string -
- description string? -
- visibility string -
alfresco: SiteBodyUpdate
- title string? -
- description string? -
- visibility string? -
alfresco: SiteContainer
- id string -
- folderId string -
alfresco: SiteContainerEntry
- entry SiteContainer -
alfresco: SiteContainerPaging
- list SitecontainerpagingList -
alfresco: SitecontainerpagingList
- pagination Pagination -
- entries SiteContainerEntry[] -
alfresco: SiteEntry
- entry Site -
alfresco: SiteGroup
- id string -
- group GroupMember -
- role string -
alfresco: SiteGroupEntry
- entry SiteGroup -
alfresco: SiteGroupPaging
- list SitegrouppagingList -
alfresco: SitegrouppagingList
- pagination Pagination -
- entries SiteGroupEntry[] -
alfresco: SiteMember
- id string -
- person Person -
- role string -
- isMemberOfGroup boolean? -
alfresco: SiteMemberEntry
- entry SiteMember -
alfresco: SiteMemberPaging
- list SitememberpagingList -
alfresco: SitememberpagingList
- pagination Pagination -
- entries SiteMemberEntry[] -
alfresco: SiteMembershipApprovalBody
- role string? -
alfresco: SiteMembershipBodyCreate
- role string -
- id string -
alfresco: SiteMembershipBodyUpdate
- role string -
alfresco: SiteMembershipRejectionBody
- comment string? -
alfresco: SiteMembershipRequest
- id string -
- createdAt string -
- site Site -
- message string? -
alfresco: SiteMembershipRequestBodyUpdate
- message string? -
alfresco: SiteMembershipRequestEntry
- entry SiteMembershipRequest -
alfresco: SiteMembershipRequestPaging
alfresco: SitemembershiprequestpagingList
- pagination Pagination -
- entries SiteMembershipRequestEntry[] -
alfresco: SiteMembershipRequestWithPerson
- id string -
- createdAt string -
- site Site -
- person Person -
- message string? -
alfresco: SiteMembershipRequestWithPersonEntry
- entry SiteMembershipRequestWithPerson -
alfresco: SiteMembershipRequestWithPersonPaging
alfresco: SitemembershiprequestwithpersonpagingList
- pagination Pagination -
- entries SiteMembershipRequestWithPersonEntry[] -
alfresco: SitePaging
- list SitepagingList -
alfresco: SitepagingList
- pagination Pagination -
- entries SiteEntry[] -
alfresco: SiteRole
- site Site -
- id string -
- guid string -
- role string -
alfresco: SiteRoleEntry
- entry SiteRole -
alfresco: SiteRolePaging
- list SiterolepagingList -
alfresco: SiterolepagingList
- pagination Pagination -
- entries SiteRoleEntry[] -
alfresco: Tag
- id string -
- tag string -
- count decimal? -
alfresco: TagBody
- tag string -
alfresco: TagEntry
- entry Tag -
alfresco: TagPaging
- list TagpagingList -
alfresco: TagpagingList
- pagination Pagination -
- entries TagEntry[] -
alfresco: UserInfo
- displayName string -
- id string -
alfresco: Version
- id string -
- versionComment string? -
- name string - The name must not contain spaces or the following special characters: * " < > \ / ? : and |. The character . must not be used at the end of the name.
- nodeType string -
- isFolder boolean -
- isFile boolean -
- modifiedAt string -
- modifiedByUser UserInfo -
- content ContentInfo? -
- aspectNames string[]? -
- properties record {}? -
alfresco: VersionEntry
- entry Version? -
alfresco: VersionPaging
- list VersionpagingList? -
alfresco: VersionpagingList
- pagination Pagination? -
- entries VersionEntry[]? -
import ballerinax/alfresco;
Released date: over 1 year ago
Version: 1.3.1
License: Apache-2.0
Platform: any
Ballerina version: 2201.4.1
GraalVM compatible: Yes
Pull count
Total: 3
Current verison: 2
Weekly downloads
Content & Files/Documents