ballerinax/ai.agent Ballerina library



This module provides the functionality required to build ReAct agent using Large Language Models (LLMs).


Before using this module in your Ballerina application, complete the following:

Alternatively, it is possible to use an Azure OpenAI account by completing the following steps.


A tool refers to a single action used to retrieve, process, or manipulate data. It can be a function or an API call, which may require certain inputs following a specific input schema.

Function as a Tool

When using a Ballerina function as a tool, the function should adhere to the following template:

isolated function functionName(record parameters) returns anydata|error {
    // function body 

In this template, record parameters represents a Ballerina record that contains the input parameters for the function. If the function doesn't require any inputs, it can be defined without any parameters. The function has the flexibility to return any data type or an error. It is important to note that the function needs to be an isolated function to ensure concurrency safety.

To define a tool using the above function, you can use the following syntax:

agent:Tool exampleTool = {
    name: "exampleTool", // used as an identifier 
    description: "defines the purpose of the function", // provides information about the behavior
    inputSchema: {
        // a JSON schema that defines the inputs to the function (if applicable)
    caller: functionName // a pointer to the function

HTTP Resource as a Tool

To use an API resource as a tool, an HTTP tool definition can be created as follows.

agent:HttpTool httpResourceTool = {
    name: "exampleTool", // used as an identifier 
    description: "defines the purpose of the API resource", // provides information about the behavior
    path: "/path/resourceA/" // path to the resource
    method: "get" // the HTTP request method (e.g., GET, POST, DELETE, PUT, etc.)
    queryParameters: {
        // a JSON schema defining the query parameters of the HTTP resource
    pathParameters: {
        // a JSON schema defining path parameters of the HTTP resource
    requestBody: {
        // a JSON schema defining the request body of the HTTP resource

Tools from Interface Definition Languages (IDLs)

You can automatically extract tools from a valid OpenAPI specification (3.x) file using the extractToolsFromOpenApiSpecFile function, as demonstrated below:

string openApiPath = "<PATH TO THE JSON/YAML FILE>"
agent:HttpTool[] tools = extractToolsFromOpenApiSpecFile(openApiPath)

The file containing the OpenAPI specification should be in either JSON or YAML format. To load them using a map<json> field, use extractToolsFromOpenApiJsonSpec instead of the above.

Tool Input Schema

The tool utilizes a JSON schema to define the input schema. This schema specifies the expected structure of the Ballerina record required by the Ballerina function, as well as the parameters (query/path) and payload for an HTTP API call.

For example, the input schema for a Ballerina record can be defined as follows:

Ballerina record:

type SendEmailInput record {|
    string recipient = "<DEFAULT EMAIL>"; // should be an email address from the contacts
    string subject;
    string messageBody;
    string contentType?;

JSON input schema:

agent:InputSchema schema = {
       'type: agent:OBJECT,
       properties: {
           recipient: {
               'type: agent:STRING, 
               description: "should be an email address from the contacts", 
               default: "<DEFAULT EMAIL>"
           subject: {'type: agent:STRING},
           messageBody: {'type: agent:STRING},
           contentType: {'const: "text/plain"} // a constant value 


A Toolkit is a highly valuable asset when it comes to organizing a collection of tools that share common attributes. Not only does it provide organization, but it also offers the flexibility to extend and define new types of tools.

To illustrate this point, let's consider an HTTP service that encompasses multiple resources. Typically, these resources share the same service URL and client configurations. In such cases, utilizing an HttpServiceToolKit allows for the convenient grouping of all the HttpTool records associated with the resources of that specific service.

Furthermore, the HttpServiceToolKit extends the definition of a Tool to encompass HttpTool specifics, effectively encapsulating HTTP-related details. By interpreting an HttpTool as a Tool, the HttpServiceToolKit eliminates the need for additional effort in writing separate Tools for HTTP services. This streamlined interpretation simplifies the development process and saves valuable time.

agent:HttpTool resource1 = {
    // defines resource 1


agent:HttpTool resourceN = {
    // defines resource N
agent:HttpServiceToolKit serviceAToolKit = check new (


This is a large language model (LLM) instance. Currently, the agent module has support for the following LLM APIs.

  1. OpenAI GPT3
    agent:Gpt3Model model = check new ({auth: {token: <OPENAI API KEY>}});
  2. OpenAI ChatGPT (e.g. GPT3.5, GPT4)
    agent:ChatGptModel model = check new ({auth: {token: <OPENAI API KEY>}});
  3. Azure OpenAI GPT3
    agent:AzureGpt3Model model = check new ({auth: {apiKey: <AZURE OPENAI API KEY>}}, string serviceUrl, string deploymentId, string apiVersion);
  4. Azure OpenAI ChatGPT (e.g. GPT3.5, GPT4)
    agent:AzureChatGptModel model = check new ({auth: {apiKey: <AZURE OPENAI API KEY>}}, string serviceUrl, string deploymentId, string apiVersion);

Extending LlmModel for Custom Models

This module offers extended support for utilizing other LLMs by extending the LlmModel as demonstrated below:

isolated class NewLlmModel {
    *agent:LlmModel; // extends LlmModel

    // Implement the init method to initialize the connection with the new LLM (if required)

    public isolated function generate(agent:PromptConstruct prompt) returns string|error {
        // Utilize utilities to create a completion prompt (or chat prompt) if applicable
        string completionPrompt = agent:createCompletionPrompt(prompt);
        // Add logic to call the LLM with the completionPrompt
        // Return the generated text from the LLM

By extending LlmModel, the NewLlmModel gains the ability to interface with other LLMs seamlessly. To utilize NewLlmModel, you can follow a similar approach as with other built-in LLM models. This allows you to harness the power of custom LLMs while maintaining compatibility with existing functionality.


The agent facilitates the execution of natural language (NL) commands by leveraging the reasoning and text generation capabilities of LLMs (Language Models). It follows the ReAct framework:

To create an agent, you need an LLM model and a set of Tool (or ToolKit) definitions.

(agent.Tool|agent.BaseToolKit)[] tools = [
    //tools and toolkits
agent.Agent agent = check new (model,;

There are multiple ways to utilize the agent.

1. for Batch Execution

The agent can be executed without interruptions using It attempts to fully execute the given NL command and returns the results at each step.

agent:ExecutionStep[] execution ="<NL COMMAND>", maxIter = 10);

2. AgentIterator for foreach Execution

The agent can also act as an iterator, providing reasoning and output from the tool at each step while executing the command.

agent:AgentIterator agentIterator = agent.getIterator("<NL COMMAND>");
foreach agent:ExecutionStep|error step in agentIterator{
    // logic goes here
    // can decide whether to continue/rollback/exit the loop based on the observation from the tool

3. AgentExecutor for Reason-Act Interface

The AgentExecutor offers enhanced flexibility for running agents through its reason() and act(string thought) methods. This separation of reasoning and acting enables developers to obtain user confirmation before executing actions based on the agent's reasoning. This feature is particularly valuable for verifying, validating, or refining the agent's reasoning by incorporating user intervention or feedback as new observations, which can be achieved using the update(ExecutionStep step) method of AgentExecutor.

Additionally, this approach empowers users to manipulate the execution trace of the agent based on specific requirements by modifying the records of previous execution steps. This capability becomes handy in situations where certain steps need to be excluded during execution (e.g., unsuccessful or outdated steps). Moreover, manual execution can be performed selectively, such as handling specific errors or acquiring user inputs. The AgentExecutor allows you to customize the execution trace to suit your needs effectively.

string QUERY = "<NL COMMAND>";
agent.AgentExecutor agentExecutor = agent.getExecutor(QUERY);
    string|error thought = agentExecutor.reason(); // reasoning step
    if thought is error {
        // reasoning fails due to LLM error. Handle appropriately
    // <OPTIONAL> based on the reasoning user can decide whether to proceed with the action
    // possible to validate the thought, improve it, or get user confirmation to proceed with the action
    any|error observation = agentExecutor.act(thought); // acting step
    if observation is error {
        // error returned by the tool. Handle appropriately
        // handle the error using another tool if needed tool
        // <OPTIONAL> restart the execution after manipulating the trace
        agent.ExecutionStep[] trace = agentExecutor.getPromptConstruct().history;
        // manipulate the traces if required (e.g. remove unnecessary steps, add manual steps)
        agentExecutor = agent.getExecutor(QUERY, trace); // restarts the execution from the last step


Let's walk through the usage of the ai.agent library using this sample. The example demonstrates the use of two types of tools:

  • To send a Google email, we utilize the sendMessage function from the ballerinax/ connector as a tool.
  • HttpTool records are used to create and list WiFi accounts through the GuestWiFi HTTP service.
    • List available WiFi accounts:GET /guest-wifi-accounts/{ownerEmail}
    • Create a new WiFi account: POST /guest-wifi-accounts

By following the four steps below, we can easily configure and run an agent:

Step 1 - Import Library

import ballerinax/ai.agent;
import ballerinax/;

Step 2 - Defining Tools for the Agent

To begin, we need to define a gmail->sendMessage function as a tool. However, it's not possible to define a tool for a remote function directly without a wrapper function. If you attempt to do so, you won't be able to obtain the pointer for the remote function. Therefore, we start by creating the sendEmail function, which wraps the connector action gmail->sendMessage.

isolated function sendEmail(gmail:MessageRequest messageRequest) returns string|error {
    gmail:Client gmail = check new ({auth: {token: gmailToken}});
    gmail:Message|error sendMessage = gmail->sendMessage(messageRequest);
    if sendMessage is gmail:Message {
        return sendMessage.toString();
    return "Error while sending the email" + sendMessage.message();

Now that we have the sendEmail function defined, we can proceed with creating the tool that utilizes this function. To define the inputSchema for the tool, we inspect the structure of the gmail:MessageRequest record and include only the necessary fields required for our task. Since the rest of the fields are not mandatory for the tool's execution, we can safely ignore them.

agent:Tool sendEmailTool = {
    name: "Send mail",
    description: "useful to send emails to a given recipient",
    inputSchema: {
        properties: {
            recipient: {'type: agent:STRING},
            subject: {'type: agent:STRING},
            messageBody: {'type: agent:STRING},
            contentType: {'const: "text/plain"}
    caller: sendMail

Next, define a HttpTool record for the resources of the GuestWiFi HTTP service. Then use HttpServiceToolKit to create a toolkit for that HTTP service. While creating the HttpTool record, there is no need to explicitly define pathParameters since the Agent can automatically extract them from the provided path.

agent:HttpTool listWifiHttpTool = {
    name: "List wifi",
    path: "/guest-wifi-accounts/{ownerEmail}",
    method: agent:GET,
    description: "useful to list the guest wifi accounts."

agent:HttpTool createWifiHttpTool = {
    name: "Create wifi",
    path: "/guest-wifi-accounts",
    method: agent:POST,
    description: "useful to create a guest wifi account.",
    requestBody: {
        'type: agent:OBJECT,
        properties: {
            email: {'type: agent:STRING},
            username: {'type: agent:STRING},
            password: {'type: agent:STRING}

agent:HttpServiceToolKit wifiServiceToolKit = check new (wifiServiceUrl, [listWifiHttpTool, createWifiHttpTool], {
    auth: {
        tokenUrl: wifiServiceTokenUrl,
        clientId: wifiServiceClientId,
        clientSecret: wifiServiceClientSecret

Note that when creating the HttpServiceToolKit for the GuestWiFi service, we provide the service URL and authentication configurations to the HttpServiceToolKit initializer to establish the connection with the service.

Step 3 - Create the Agent

To create the agent, we first need to initialize a LLM (e.g., Gpt3Model, ChatGptModel). In this example, we initialize the agent with the ChatGptModel model as follows:

agent:ChatGptModel model = check new ({auth: {token:  <OPENAI API KEY>}});
agent:Agent agent = check new (model, wifiServiceToolKit, sendEmailTool);

Step 4 - Run the Agent

Now we can run the agent with NL commands from the user. Note that in this case, we use a query template and pass unknowns as interpolations to the queryTemplate.

string queryTemplate = string`create a new guest WiFi account for email ${wifiOwnerEmail} with user ${wifiUsername} and password ${wifiPassword}. Send the available list of WiFi accounts for that email to ${recipientEmail}`;
agent:ExecutionStep[] run =;


Let's examine the output produced by the above example. Assuming the following natural language (NL) command is given to the agent:

NL Command: "create a new guest WiFi account for email with user guest123 and password john123. Send the available list of WiFi accounts for that email to"

The agent will proceed with multiple reasoning-action iterations as follows to execute the given command.

  1. Agent creates a new WiFi account for owner

    Reasoning iteration: 1
    Thought: We need to create a new guest WiFi account with the given username and password, and then list the available WiFi accounts for the email owner and send it to a specified recipient. 
        "tool": "Create wifi",
        "tool_input": {
            "requestBody": {
            "email": "",
            "username": "guest123",
            "password": "john123"
    Observation: Successfully added the wifi account
  2. Agent finds existing guest WiFi accounts under the owner

    Reasoning iteration: 2
    Thought: Now we need to use the "List wifi" tool to get the available list of wifi accounts for the email "".
        "tool": "List wifi",
        "tool_input": {
            "pathParameters": {
                "ownerEmail": ""
    Observation: ["guest123.guestOf.johnny","newGuest.guestOf.johnny"]
  3. Agent sends an email to with the information about the existing accounts:

    In this step, the agent is responsible for generating the email subject and message body as well. The user provides only the recipient's email.

    Reasoning iteration: 3
    Thought: Finally, we need to send the available wifi list to the specified recipient.
        "tool": "Send mail",
        "tool_input": {
            "recipient": "",
            "subject": "Available Wifi List",
            "messageBody": "The available wifi accounts for are: guest123.guestOf.johnny, newGuest.guestOf.johnny"
    Observation: {"threadId":"1884d1bda3d2c286","id":"1884d1bda3d2c286","labelIds":["SENT"]}
  4. Agent concludes the task:

    Reasoning iteration: 4
    Thought: I now know the final answer
    Final Answer: Successfully created a new guest wifi account with username "guest123" and password "john123" for the email owner "". The available wifi accounts for "" are "guest123.guestOf.johnny" and "newGuest.guestOf.johnny", and this list has been sent to the specified recipient "".

As a result, will receive an email generated by the agent with the subject "Available WiFi List" and the message body "The available WiFi accounts for are: guest123.guestOf.johnny, newGuest.guestOf.johnny".


import ballerinax/ai.agent;Copy


Released date: over 1 year ago

Version: 0.5.2

License: Apache-2.0


Platform: any

Ballerina version: 2201.7.1

GraalVM compatible: Yes

Pull count

Total: 1008

Current verison: 13

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