Module adp.paystatements
ballerinax/adp.paystatements Ballerina library
This is a generated connector for ADP Pay Statements API v1 OpenAPI specification. The ADP Pay Statements API provides the capability to describe the details of a payment made to a payee.
Before using this connector in your Ballerina application, complete the following:
- Create an ADP account.
- Obtain tokens - Follow this guide.
adp.paystatements: Client
This is a generated connector for ADP Pay Statements API v1 OpenAPI specification. The ADP Pay Statements API provides the capability to describe the details of a payment made to a payee. These details include the net and gross payment amounts, deductions, earnings, and year-to-date payroll accruals. The Pay Statements APIs can be used to retrieve the list of a specified number of pay statements for an associate or to get details for a specific statement.
Gets invoked to initialize the connector
The connector initialization requires setting the API credentials.
Create an ADP account and obtain tokens by following this guide.
init (ConnectionConfig config, string serviceUrl)
- config ConnectionConfig - The configurations to be used when initializing the
- serviceUrl string - URL of the target service
function listPayStatements(string roleCode, string aoid, string? ifNoneMatch, int? numberoflastpaydates) returns PayStatements|error
Request the list of the last n payStatements for an Associate. Default = payStatements from the last 5 pay dates.
- roleCode string - The role the user is playing during the transaction. Possible values: employee,manager,practitioner,administrator,supervisor. The roleCode header will be passed in all calls. When coming from Myself capabilities rolecode=employee. When coming from Team capabilities roleCode=manager. When coming from Practitioner capabilities roleCode=practitioner.
- aoid string - Associate OID
- ifNoneMatch string? (default ()) - Used with a method to make it conditional; the method is performed only if the client entity (via the given entity tag, ETag header) does not match the server entity.
- numberoflastpaydates int? (default ()) - Maximum pay statements which should be returned based on a request.
Return Type
- PayStatements|error - Pay statements
function getPayStatement(string aoid, string roleCode, string payStatementId) returns PayStatement|error
Request the details of a specific pay statement
- aoid string - Associate OID
- roleCode string - The role the user is playing during the transaction. Possible values: employee,manager,practitioner,administrator,supervisor. The roleCode header will be passed in all calls. When coming from Myself capabilities rolecode=employee. When coming from Team capabilities roleCode=manager. When coming from Practitioner capabilities roleCode=practitioner.
- payStatementId string - Pay statement ID
Return Type
- PayStatement|error - Pay statement
function listClientPayStatement(string aoid, string roleCode, int? numberoflastpaydates, string? ifNoneMatch) returns PayStatements|error
Request the list of the last n client-specific pay statements for an associate. Default = pay statements from the last 5 pay dates.
- aoid string - Associate OID
- roleCode string - The role the user is playing during the transaction. Possible values: employee,manager,practitioner,administrator,supervisor. The roleCode header will be passed in all calls. When coming from Myself capabilities rolecode=employee. When coming from Team capabilities roleCode=manager. When coming from Practitioner capabilities roleCode=practitioner.
- numberoflastpaydates int? (default ()) - Maximum pay statements which should be returned based on a request.
- ifNoneMatch string? (default ()) - Used with a method to make it conditional; the method is performed only if the client entity (via the given entity tag, ETag header) does not match the server entity.
Return Type
- PayStatements|error - Pay statements
function getClientPayStatement(string aoid, string roleCode, string payStatementId) returns PayStatement|error
Request the details of a single client-specific pay statement.
- aoid string - Associate OID
- roleCode string - The role the user is playing during the transaction. Possible values: employee,manager,practitioner,administrator,supervisor. The roleCode header will be passed in all calls. When coming from Myself capabilities rolecode=employee. When coming from Team capabilities roleCode=manager. When coming from Practitioner capabilities roleCode=practitioner.
- payStatementId string - Pay statement ID
Return Type
- PayStatement|error - Pay statement
function getClientPayStatementImage(string associateoid, string payStatementId, string imageId, string imageExtension, string roleCode, string? ifNoneMatch) returns json|error
Request the details of a specific paystatement as an image.
- associateoid string - Associate ID
- payStatementId string - Pay statement ID
- imageId string - Pay statement Image ID
- imageExtension string - Pay statement Image Extension
- roleCode string - The role the user is playing during the transaction. Possible values: employee,manager,practitioner,administrator,supervisor. The roleCode header will be passed in all calls. When coming from Myself capabilities rolecode=employee. When coming from Team capabilities roleCode=manager. When coming from Practitioner capabilities roleCode=practitioner.
- ifNoneMatch string? (default ()) - Used with a method to make it conditional; the method is performed only if the client entity (via the given entity tag, ETag header) does not match the server entity.
Return Type
- json|error - Pay statement image
function getProjectedPayStatement(string aoid, string projectedPayStatementId, string roleCode) returns ProjectedPayStatement|error
Request the details of a specific paystatement as an image.
- aoid string - Associate OID
- projectedPayStatementId string - Projected Pay statement ID
- roleCode string - The role the user is playing during the transaction. Possible values: employee,manager,practitioner,administrator,supervisor. The roleCode header will be passed in all calls. When coming from Myself capabilities rolecode=employee. When coming from Team capabilities roleCode=manager. When coming from Practitioner capabilities roleCode=practitioner.
Return Type
- ProjectedPayStatement|error - Projected pay statement
adp.paystatements: AmountFormulaType
The amount to show in the main window. If this amount is not passed then the default property is used
- amountValue decimal - The monetary value of the object in which the amount is associated
- currencyCode CurrencyCodeType - List of standard currency codes ISO 4212
- calculationFormula CalculationFormulaType? - The formula details for a payment calculation amount result
adp.paystatements: AmountType
The amount to show in the main window. If this amount is not passed then the default property is used
- amountValue decimal - The monetary value of the object in which the amount is associated
- currencyCode CurrencyCodeType - List of standard currency codes ISO 4212
adp.paystatements: CalculationFormulaType
The formula details for a payment calculation amount result
- formula string? - Formula
- formulaWithValues string? - Formula with values
- formulaWithValuesOnly string? - Formula with values only
- formulaComponents FormulaComponentType[]? - Formula components
adp.paystatements: ClientHttp1Settings
Provides settings related to HTTP/1.x protocol.
- keepAlive KeepAlive(default http:KEEPALIVE_AUTO) - Specifies whether to reuse a connection for multiple requests
- chunking Chunking(default http:CHUNKING_AUTO) - The chunking behaviour of the request
- proxy ProxyConfig? - Proxy server related options
adp.paystatements: CodeType
The type of account, e.g. Checking, Savings
- codeValue string - The code for the related entity
- shortName string? - Short description of the related code not to exceed 25 characters
- longName string? - Long description of the related code
adp.paystatements: CommentType
- sectionLabelName string? - The label which describes the related section This is user visible and should be in the requested language
- commentText string - Actual comment text
adp.paystatements: ConnectionConfig
Provides a set of configurations for controlling the behaviours when communicating with a remote HTTP endpoint.
- auth OAuth2ClientCredentialsGrantConfig|BearerTokenConfig - Configurations related to client authentication
- httpVersion HttpVersion(default http:HTTP_2_0) - The HTTP version understood by the client
- http1Settings ClientHttp1Settings? - Configurations related to HTTP/1.x protocol
- http2Settings ClientHttp2Settings? - Configurations related to HTTP/2 protocol
- timeout decimal(default 60) - The maximum time to wait (in seconds) for a response before closing the connection
- forwarded string(default "disable") - The choice of setting
- poolConfig PoolConfiguration? - Configurations associated with request pooling
- cache CacheConfig? - HTTP caching related configurations
- compression Compression(default http:COMPRESSION_AUTO) - Specifies the way of handling compression (
) header
- circuitBreaker CircuitBreakerConfig? - Configurations associated with the behaviour of the Circuit Breaker
- retryConfig RetryConfig? - Configurations associated with retrying
- responseLimits ResponseLimitConfigs? - Configurations associated with inbound response size limits
- secureSocket ClientSecureSocket? - SSL/TLS-related options
- proxy ProxyConfig? - Proxy server related options
- validation boolean(default true) - Enables the inbound payload validation functionality which provided by the constraint package. Enabled by default
adp.paystatements: FormulaComponentType
- nodeID string? -
- nodeType string? -
- nodeName string? -
- nodeValue NodeValue? -
- expandable boolean? -
- policyInstanceID string? -
adp.paystatements: IDType
Position identifier a person may enter time against
- id string - Is the Identifier of the given instance of an entity
- schemeName string? - name of the identification scheme
- schemeAgencyName string? - Agency responsible for the maintenance and definition of the identification scheme
adp.paystatements: IdtypeV2
- idValue string? - An actual ID value
- schemeCode CodeType? - The type of account, e.g. Checking, Savings
adp.paystatements: InternetAddressWithItemID
- itemID string? - The unique identifier of the object in a collection
- nameCode PaystatementDepositaccountFinancialpartyCommunicationNamecode? - A coded name or descriptive label of the associated entity. If this is a coded value, codeValue and shortName should be used. If this is just a string value, only shortName is necessary
- uri string? - The URI of the associated email address
- effectiveDate string? - The effective date of the related entity. Follows the ISO-8601:2000 format.
adp.paystatements: LabeledAmountType
The amount to show in the main window. If this amount is not passed then the default property is used
- amountValue decimal - The monetary value of the object in which the amount is associated
- currencyCode CurrencyCodeType - List of standard currency codes ISO 4212
- labelName string? - The label of the amount
adp.paystatements: NodeValue
- value string? -
- valueType string? -
- code string? -
- formattedValue string? -
adp.paystatements: OAuth2ClientCredentialsGrantConfig
OAuth2 Client Credentials Grant Configs
- Fields Included from *OAuth2ClientCredentialsGrantConfig
- tokenUrl string(default "") - Token URL
adp.paystatements: PayStatement
- meta PaystatementMeta? - Metadata of the related entity.
- positionRef PaystatementPositionref? - Data which provides reference to a position
- payDate string? - Pay Date is the date on which the monies (i.e. payment) are available. ISO 8601 format of YYYY-MM-DD. This may be also be passed as YYYY-MM which is the month the payment represents.
- payPeriod PaystatementPayperiod? - The Time Period which the pay covers
- netPayAmount PaystatementsNetpayamount? - The Amount paid after all deductions are taken out
- grossPayAmount PaystatementsGrosspayamount? - The Amount paid before any deductions are taken out
- grossPayYTDAmount PaystatementGrosspayytdamount? -
- totalHours decimal? - The total duration in hours for the related pay
- earnings PaystatementEarnings[]? - Earning represents an instance of a quantity earned for compensation for labor.
- deductionCategoryDetails PaystatementDeductioncategorydetails[]? - A collection of deduction category codes with the corresponding total amounts
- deductions PaystatementDeductions[]? - Deduction is an Amount representing an instance of money deducted from a payroll disbursement. A Deduction maybe a Reverse Deduction. An example of this is the reimbursement of an Expense Report which is added the Disbursement to the Employee after taxes are taken out
- memos PaystatementMemos[]? - Memos are similar to deduction in that they represent a code and an amount, but where they differ is in their effect on the Gross to Net calculation. Where a deduction is used to calculate gross to net and memo is not. Some example of memos are: Employer match 401k, Group term life (GTL)
- directDeposits PaystatementDirectdeposits[]? - THIS collection is being DEPRECATED. directDeposits are part of the payDistributions collection. Direct Deposits will continue going to the directDeposits collection as well as to the payDistributions. Future new version of this API will drop the directDeposits all together. A payment that is electronically deposited into an individual's account at a depository institution.
- payDistributions PaystatementPaydistributions[]? -
- otherPay PaystatementOtherpay[]? - The details of other pay or remuneration
- employer PaystatementEmployer? - The employer information
- emailPayStatementsURI PaystatementEmailpaystatementsuri? - The URI to be used to request the paystatement to be emailed
adp.paystatements: PaystatementDeductionamount
The amount of the deduction related to this pay period
- amountValue decimal? - The monetary value of the object in which the amount is associated
- currencyCode string? - List of standard currency codes ISO 4212
adp.paystatements: PaystatementDeductioncategorydetails
- deductionCategoryCodeName string? - The deduction category name
- deductionCategoryTotalPeriodAmount PaystatementDeductioncategorytotalperiodamount? - The total amount deducted in this pay period for deductions belonging to this category. E.g. all benefit deductions
- deductionCategoryTotalYTDAmount PaystatementDeductioncategorytotalytdamount? - The year to date total amount for the deduction category
adp.paystatements: PaystatementDeductioncategorytotalperiodamount
The total amount deducted in this pay period for deductions belonging to this category. E.g. all benefit deductions
- amountValue decimal? - The monetary value of the object in which the amount is associated
- currencyCode string? - List of standard currency codes ISO 4212
adp.paystatements: PaystatementDeductioncategorytotalytdamount
The year to date total amount for the deduction category
- amountValue decimal? - The monetary value of the object in which the amount is associated
- currencyCode string? - List of standard currency codes ISO 4212
adp.paystatements: PaystatementDeductions
- codeName string? - The deduction code of the deduction. The code can be user defined or a statutory deduction.
- deductionCategoryCodeName string? - The deduction code of the deduction. The code can be user defined or a statutory deduction.
- deductionAmount PaystatementDeductionamount? - The amount of the deduction related to this pay period
- deductionYTDAmount PaystatementDeductionytdamount? - The year to date amount of the deduction
- preTaxIndicator boolean? - Indicates whether deduction is taken pre tax on the current period deduction. If there is no current period deduction and only a year to date amount the pre tax indicator is irrelevant and should not be passed.
- percentage decimal? - Identifies the percentage
adp.paystatements: PaystatementDeductionytdamount
The year to date amount of the deduction
- amountValue decimal? - The monetary value of the object in which the amount is associated
- currencyCode string? - List of standard currency codes ISO 4212
adp.paystatements: PaystatementDepositaccount
The distribution target, e.g. bank account info
- BBAN string? - Basic Bank Account Number. The BBAN format is decided by each national banking community under the restriction that it must be of a fixed length of case-insensitive alphanumeric characters. It includes the domestic bank account number, branch identifier, and potential routing information
- IBAN string? - International Bank Account Number. The IBAN consists of up to 34 alphanumeric characters: first the two-letter ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code, then two check digits, and finally a country-specific Basic Bank Account Number (BBAN). The check digits enable a sanity check of the bank account number to confirm its integrity even before submitting a transaction.
- UPIC string? - Universal Payment Identification Code. A UPIC is an identifier (or banking address) for a bank account in the United States used to receive electronic credit payments. A UPIC acts exactly like a US bank account number and protects your sensitive banking information. The actual bank account number, including the bank's routing transit number, is masked by the UPIC. Only credit transactions to an account can be initiated with a UPIC. All direct debits are blocked which should mitigate unauthorized transactions to an account.
- SWIFTID string? - Identifies a standard format of Business Identifier Codes approved by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). It is a unique identification code for both financial and non-financial institutions. The acronym SWIFT stands for the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication
- financialParty PaystatementDepositaccountFinancialparty? - The account where the moneis are to be distributed
- financialAccount PaystatementDepositaccountFinancialaccount? - The account where the moneis are to be distributed
adp.paystatements: PaystatementDepositaccountFinancialaccount
The account where the moneis are to be distributed
- accountNumber string? - The unique identifier of the account where the moneis are to be distributed
- accountName string? - The name of the related account
- typeCode PaystatementDepositaccountFinancialaccountTypecode? - The type of account, e.g. Checking, Savings
- currencyCode string? - The default account currency code. As per ISO 4212
adp.paystatements: PaystatementDepositaccountFinancialaccountTypecode
The type of account, e.g. Checking, Savings
- codeValue string? - The code for the related entity.
- shortName string? - Short description of the related code not to exceed 25 characters
- longName string? - Long description of the related code
adp.paystatements: PaystatementDepositaccountFinancialparty
The account where the moneis are to be distributed
- financialPartyID PaystatementDepositaccountFinancialpartyFinancialpartyid? - The unique identifier of the associated party entity
- nameCode PaystatementDepositaccountFinancialpartyNamecode? - A coded name or descriptive label of the associated entity. If this is a coded value, codeValue and shortName should be used. If this is just a string value, only shortName is necessary
- address PaystatementDepositaccountFinancialpartyAddress? - The address of the party
- communication PaystatementDepositaccountFinancialpartyCommunication? - Communication mechanisms, e,g, phone, email, etc
- branchNameCode PaystatementDepositaccountFinancialpartyBranchnamecode? - Branch code / number used to compose the routing id, along with the name if applicable
- routingTransitID PaystatementDepositaccountFinancialpartyRoutingtransitid? - A routing (transit) number is a bank code used to facilitate automated monetary transfers, e.g. as issued by the American Bankers Association or the Canadian Payments Association or EU
adp.paystatements: PaystatementDepositaccountFinancialpartyAddress
The address of the party
- nameCode PaystatementDepositaccountFinancialpartyAddressNamecode? - A descriptive coded name of the address
- scriptCode PaystatementDepositaccountFinancialpartyAddressScriptcode? - The type of script the address is in. Associated codelist is ISO15924-A. Use the alpha-4 representation versus the single digit numeric representation. Format is lowercase with inital letter capitalized. For example, Cyrillic is Cyrl
- attentionOfName string? - Attention of Name
- careOfName string? - Care Of Name
- lineOne string? - Line One of Street Address Information
- lineTwo string? - Line Two of Street Address Information
- lineThree string? - Line Three of Street Address Information
- lineFour string? - Line Four of Street Address Information
- lineFive string? - Line Five of Street Address Information
- buildingNumber string? - The number of a building in the context of a physical address, e.g. House Number
- buildingName string? - The name of a building in the context of a physical address, e.g. Rockefeller Center
- blockName string? - The name the block
- streetName string? - The name of the street
- streetTypeCode PaystatementDepositaccountFinancialpartyAddressStreettypecode? - The type of street, e.g. Lane, Passage, Way
- unit string? - A unit in the context of an address, e.g. an Apartment Number or an Office
- floor string? - A floor in the context of an address
- stairCase string? - A reference to a particular staircase in the context of an address
- door string? - A reference to a particular door in the context of an address. e.g. Apartment Number
- postOfficeBox string? - A post office box
- deliveryPoint string? - A way to identify a specific delivery location, e.g. a mail-stop
- plotID string? - A way to identify a building plot, e.g. a specific building construction site
- cityName string? - A city in the context of an address
- countrySubdivisionLevel1 PaystatementDepositaccountFinancialpartyAddressCountrysubdivisionlevel1? - A country subdivision correlating to a administrative level one level below country. For example, in the United States, this would be a state
- countrySubdivisionLevel2 PaystatementDepositaccountFinancialpartyAddressCountrysubdivisionlevel2? - A country subdivision correlating to a administrative level two levels below country. For example, in the United States, this might be a county
- countryCode string? - The 2 character country code. As per ISO 3166-1 Alpha 2
- postalCode string? - The string of characters used to identify the postal code
- geoCoordinate PaystatementDepositaccountFinancialpartyAddressGeocoordinate? - The coordinates of the location of the address
- effectiveDate string? - The date when the current address became effective. Follows the ISO-8601:2000 format
adp.paystatements: PaystatementDepositaccountFinancialpartyAddressCountrysubdivisionlevel1
A country subdivision correlating to a administrative level one level below country. For example, in the United States, this would be a state
- codeValue string? - The code for the related entity.
- shortName string? - Short description of the related code not to exceed 25 characters
- longName string? - Long description of the related code
- subdivisionType string? - The type of city sub division, e.g. borough, neighborhood
adp.paystatements: PaystatementDepositaccountFinancialpartyAddressCountrysubdivisionlevel2
A country subdivision correlating to a administrative level two levels below country. For example, in the United States, this might be a county
- codeValue string? - The code for the related entity.
- shortName string? - Short description of the related code not to exceed 25 characters
- longName string? - Long description of the related code
- subdivisionType string? - The type of city sub division, e.g. borough, neighborhood
adp.paystatements: PaystatementDepositaccountFinancialpartyAddressGeocoordinate
The coordinates of the location of the address
- latitude decimal? - The angle, in degrees, of a position on Earth above the equator. (Latitude is negative for a place below the equator.) specified in decimal degrees
- longitude decimal? - The angle, in degrees, of a position on Earth around the equator from the Greenwich Meridian specified in decimal degrees
adp.paystatements: PaystatementDepositaccountFinancialpartyAddressNamecode
A descriptive coded name of the address
- codeValue string? - The code for the related entity.
- shortName string? - Short description of the related code not to exceed 25 characters
- longName string? - Long description of the related code
adp.paystatements: PaystatementDepositaccountFinancialpartyAddressScriptcode
The type of script the address is in. Associated codelist is ISO15924-A. Use the alpha-4 representation versus the single digit numeric representation. Format is lowercase with inital letter capitalized. For example, Cyrillic is Cyrl
- codeValue string? - The code for the related entity.
- shortName string? - Short description of the related code not to exceed 25 characters
- longName string? - Long description of the related code
adp.paystatements: PaystatementDepositaccountFinancialpartyAddressStreettypecode
The type of street, e.g. Lane, Passage, Way
- codeValue string? - The code for the related entity.
- shortName string? - Short description of the related code not to exceed 25 characters
- longName string? - Long description of the related code
adp.paystatements: PaystatementDepositaccountFinancialpartyBranchnamecode
Branch code / number used to compose the routing id, along with the name if applicable
- codeValue string? - The code for the related entity.
- shortName string? - Short description of the related code not to exceed 25 characters
- longName string? - Long description of the related code
adp.paystatements: PaystatementDepositaccountFinancialpartyCommunication
Communication mechanisms, e,g, phone, email, etc
- landlines PaystatementDepositaccountFinancialpartyCommunicationLandlines[]? - A list of land-line telephone numbers
- mobiles PaystatementDepositaccountFinancialpartyCommunicationLandlines[]? - A list of mobile telephone numbers
- faxes PaystatementDepositaccountFinancialpartyCommunicationLandlines[]? - A list of fax telephone numbers
- pagers PaystatementDepositaccountFinancialpartyCommunicationLandlines[]? - A list of pager telephone numbers
- emails PaystatementDepositaccountFinancialpartyCommunicationEmails[]? - A list of email addresses
- internetAddresses InternetAddressWithItemID[]? - A list of internet URIs
- instantMessages PaystatementDepositaccountFinancialpartyCommunicationInstantmessages[]? - A list of instant messages URIs
- socialNetworks PaystatementDepositaccountFinancialpartyCommunicationInstantmessages[]? - A list of social networks addresses
adp.paystatements: PaystatementDepositaccountFinancialpartyCommunicationEmails
- itemID string? - The unique identifier of the object in a collection
- nameCode PaystatementDepositaccountFinancialpartyCommunicationNamecode? - A coded name or descriptive label of the associated entity. If this is a coded value, codeValue and shortName should be used. If this is just a string value, only shortName is necessary
- emailUri string? - The URI of the associated email address
- effectiveDate string? - The effective date of the related entity. Follows the ISO-8601:2000 format.
adp.paystatements: PaystatementDepositaccountFinancialpartyCommunicationInstantmessages
- itemID string? - The unique identifier of the object in a collection
- nameCode PaystatementDepositaccountFinancialpartyCommunicationNamecode? - A coded name or descriptive label of the associated entity. If this is a coded value, codeValue and shortName should be used. If this is just a string value, only shortName is necessary
- uri string? - The URI of the associated email address
- effectiveDate string? - The effective date of the related entity. Follows the ISO-8601:2000 format.
adp.paystatements: PaystatementDepositaccountFinancialpartyCommunicationLandlines
- itemID string? - The unique identifier of the object in a collection
- nameCode PaystatementDepositaccountFinancialpartyCommunicationNamecode? - A coded name or descriptive label of the associated entity. If this is a coded value, codeValue and shortName should be used. If this is just a string value, only shortName is necessary
- countryDialing string? - The country dialing code is the national prefix to be used when dialing TO that particular country FROM another country.
- areaDialing string? - The local area dialing code for a telephone number.
- dialNumber string? - The local communication number, not including country dialing or area dialing codes. If component parts of the telephone number are being communicated then the dialNumber is required.
- extension string? - The extension of the local communication number. In the case of a Telephone Number accessing a Pager Network, the extension may be the Pager Identification Number required to leave a message for the Pager Number (i.e. Pager Pin). These are mutually exclusive.
- access string? - National Direct Dialing Prefix. Also known as the trunk prefix or National Prefix. It is the number to be dialed in a domestic telephone call, preceding any necessary area code and subscriber number (i.e. dial number). When calling from outside of the country, the national direct dial prefix is omitted by the caller. In Australia, Germany, and United Kingdom the trunk prefix is 0. In the US and Canada it is 1.
- formattedNumber string? - The formatted telephone number. The component parts of the telephone are put together into a presentation pattern as defined by the regex format specified. Please note that is used as an escape character in regex, but a double is needed to escape within the json schema. The regex will accept +CC NNNNNNNNNNNNNN where + is the symbol indicating the caller to enter their country specific code to call from outside the country. CC is the country code for an international number (optional), and the area code and dial number. The local access code (i.e. 1 (201) 333 4444. 1 is the access code in US) is not passed. The UI will present the phone number following its own presentation convention
- effectiveDate string? - The effective date of the related entity. Follows the ISO-8601:2000 format.
adp.paystatements: PaystatementDepositaccountFinancialpartyCommunicationNamecode
A coded name or descriptive label of the associated entity. If this is a coded value, codeValue and shortName should be used. If this is just a string value, only shortName is necessary
- codeValue string? - The code for the related entity.
- shortName string? - Short description of the related code not to exceed 25 characters
- longName string? - Long description of the related code
adp.paystatements: PaystatementDepositaccountFinancialpartyFinancialpartyid
The unique identifier of the associated party entity
- idValue string? - An actual ID value
- schemeCode PaystatementPayrollagreementidSchemecode? - The scheme code
adp.paystatements: PaystatementDepositaccountFinancialpartyNamecode
A coded name or descriptive label of the associated entity. If this is a coded value, codeValue and shortName should be used. If this is just a string value, only shortName is necessary
- codeValue string? - The code for the related entity.
- shortName string? - Short description of the related code not to exceed 25 characters
- longName string? - Long description of the related code
adp.paystatements: PaystatementDepositaccountFinancialpartyRoutingtransitid
A routing (transit) number is a bank code used to facilitate automated monetary transfers, e.g. as issued by the American Bankers Association or the Canadian Payments Association or EU
- idValue string? - An actual ID value
- schemeCode PaystatementPayrollagreementidSchemecode? - The scheme code
adp.paystatements: PaystatementDirectdeposits
- depositAmount PaystatementGrosspayytdamount? -
- financialPartyRoutingID string? - Identifies the routing number for the financial institution (i.e. bank). For example, in the US this is the RTN (Routing Transit Number - 9 digit bank code)
- financialAccountTypeName string? - The type of account. For example: Checking, Savings
- financialAccountID string? - The Financial Account Number. This is typically masked
adp.paystatements: PaystatementDistributionamount
The pay distribution amount, expressed in the account currency. Only one value, either amount or percentage or remaining balance indicator (true) should be provided
- amountValue decimal? - The monetary value of the object in which the amount is associated
- currencyCode string? - Standard currency code as per ISO 4212
adp.paystatements: PaystatementDistributionpurposecode
The pay distribution (transfer) purpose,e.g. Salary, Travel Expenses, Pension Plan, etc. Client should provide specific code list. If no value is provided, Salary (payroll) distribution should be assumed
- codeValue string? - The code for the related entity.
- shortName string? - Short description of the related code not to exceed 25 characters
- longName string? - Long description of the related code
- effectiveDate string? - The string representation of the date value. Follows the ISO-8601:2000 format.
adp.paystatements: PaystatementDistributions
- itemID string? - The unique identifier of the object in a collection
- precedenceCode PaystatementPrecedencecode? - Indicates the order of precedence for a given distribution, e.g. primary, secondary, etc.
- paymentMethodCode PaystatementPaymentmethodcode? - The method by which the distribution is made, e.g. Direct Deposit, Check, Cash, etc.
- depositAccount PaystatementDepositaccount? - The distribution target, e.g. bank account info
- distributionAmount PaystatementDistributionamount? - The pay distribution amount, expressed in the account currency. Only one value, either amount or percentage or remaining balance indicator (true) should be provided
- distributionPercentage decimal? - The percentage of the net pay to be distributed as per the current distribution instruction. Only one value, either amount or percentage or remaining balance indicator (true) should be provided
adp.paystatements: PaystatementDistributionstatuscode
The pay distribution status,e.g. Active, Inactive, Pending, etc. Only one Active distribution should be allowed at any given point of time, while multiple Pending (future) distribution are possible
- codeValue string? - The code for the related entity.
- shortName string? - Short description of the related code not to exceed 25 characters
- longName string? - Long description of the related code
- effectiveDate string? - The string representation of the date value. Follows the ISO-8601:2000 format.
adp.paystatements: PaystatementEarningamount
The amount of the earning related to this pay period.
- amountValue decimal? - The monetary value of the object in which the amount is associated
- currencyCode string? - List of standard currency codes ISO 4212
adp.paystatements: PaystatementEarnings
- earningCodeName string? - Identifies the Hours/Earnings Code. The typeCode attribute is used to further refine the EarningCode with the Hours/Earnings Field Number.
- earningAmount PaystatementEarningamount? - The amount of the earning related to this pay period.
- earningYTDAmount PaystatementEarningytdamount? - The year to date amount of the earning
- payPeriodHours decimal? - Number of hours related to the earning for the pay period.
- payRate PaystatementPayrate? - The amount an individual is paid over time
- preTaxIndicator boolean? - Indicates whether deduction is taken pre tax. If there is no current period earning and only a year to date amount the pre tax indicator is irrelevant and should not be passed.
adp.paystatements: PaystatementEarningytdamount
The year to date amount of the earning
- amountValue decimal? - The monetary value of the object in which the amount is associated
- currencyCode string? - List of standard currency codes ISO 4212
adp.paystatements: PaystatementEmailpaystatementsuri
The URI to be used to request the paystatement to be emailed
- href string? - URI
adp.paystatements: PaystatementEmployer
The employer information
- sectionLabelName string? - The label which describes the related property. This is user visible and should be in the requested language.
- employerName string? - The name of the employer
- employerLocation PaystatementEmployerEmployerlocation? - Employer location
- taxIDs PaystatementEmployerTaxids[]? - A list of tax ids
- employerDetails PaystatementEmployerEmployerdetails[]? - Details related to the Employer
adp.paystatements: PaystatementEmployerDetailamount
An amount
- amountValue decimal? - The monetary value of the object in which the amount is associated
- currencyCode string? - List of standard currency codes ISO 4212
adp.paystatements: PaystatementEmployerDetailvalues
- labelName string? - The label which describes the related property. This is user visible and should be in the requested language.
- valueTxt string? - The value
- detailAmount PaystatementEmployerDetailamount? - An amount
adp.paystatements: PaystatementEmployerEmployerdetails
- identifier string? - Identifier of the line. This identifier is user visible
- labelName string? - The label which describes the related property. This is user visible and should be in the requested language.
- detailValues PaystatementEmployerDetailvalues[]? - A set of values to be shown on a line. Both properties are optional, but a minimum of 1 is required if the statementValue is passed.
adp.paystatements: PaystatementEmployerEmployerlocation
Employer location
- labelName string? - The label to be shown on the UI
- locationName string? - The name of the location
- formattedAddressLines PaystatementemployeremployerlocationFormattedaddresslinesItemsString[]? - A list of formatted address lines which will be shown on the UI in the order of the array items. This is mutually exclusive to the component parts of the the address. If this is returned in the JSON it will be used to present on the UI
adp.paystatements: PaystatementEmployerTaxids
- id string? - Is the Identifier of the given instance of an entity.
- labelName string? - The label of the related entity to show on the UI.
adp.paystatements: PaystatementGrosspayytdamount
- amountValue decimal? - The monetary value of the object in which the amount is associated
- currencyCode string? - List of standard currency codes ISO 4212
adp.paystatements: PaystatementMemoamount
The amount of the memo related to this pay period
- amountValue decimal? - The monetary value of the object in which the amount is associated
- currencyCode string? - List of standard currency codes ISO 4212
adp.paystatements: PaystatementMemos
- nameCode PaystatementNamecode? - The code of the memo. The code can be user defined or statutory.
- memoAmount PaystatementMemoamount? - The amount of the memo related to this pay period
- memoYTDAmount PaystatementMemoytdamount? - The year to date amount of the memo
adp.paystatements: PaystatementMemoytdamount
The year to date amount of the memo
- amountValue decimal? - The monetary value of the object in which the amount is associated
- currencyCode string? - List of standard currency codes ISO 4212
adp.paystatements: PaystatementMeta
Metadata of the related entity.
- currentPeriod PaystatementMetaCurrentperiod? - Existence of the currentPeriod object indicates that the default mapping of properties to the currentPeriod tab should be overriden.
- aggregatePeriod PaystatementMetaAggregateperiod? - Existence of the aggregatePeriod object indicates that the default mapping of properties to the agrregatePeriod tab should be overriden.
adp.paystatements: PaystatementMetaAggregateperiod
Existence of the aggregatePeriod object indicates that the default mapping of properties to the agrregatePeriod tab should be overriden.
- sectionLabelName string? - The label which will be shown in the UI for the section. If this value is not passed then the default value is presented in the UI.
- totalAmount PaystatementMetaCurrentperiodTotalamount? - The amount to show in the main window. If this amount is not passed then the default property is used.
adp.paystatements: PaystatementMetaCurrentperiod
Existence of the currentPeriod object indicates that the default mapping of properties to the currentPeriod tab should be overriden.
- sectionLabelName string? - The label which will be shown in the UI for the section. If this value is not passed then the default value is presented in the UI.
- totalAmount PaystatementMetaCurrentperiodTotalamount? - The amount to show in the main window. If this amount is not passed then the default property is used.
adp.paystatements: PaystatementMetaCurrentperiodTotalamount
The amount to show in the main window. If this amount is not passed then the default property is used.
- amountValue decimal? - The monetary value of the object in which the amount is associated
- currencyCode string? - List of standard currency codes ISO 4212
- labelName string? - The label of the amount
adp.paystatements: PaystatementNamecode
The code of the memo. The code can be user defined or statutory.
- codeValue string? - The code for the related entity.
- shortName string? - Short description of the related code not to exceed 25 characters
- longName string? - Long description of the related code
adp.paystatements: PaystatementOtherpay
- sectionLabelName string? - The label to be shown on the UI for the section
- otherPayDetail PaystatementOtherpaydetail[]? - The details of other pay or remuneration
adp.paystatements: PaystatementOtherpaydetail
- labelName string? - The label to be shown on the UI for the section
- payAmount PaystatementPayamount? - The amount of the current Pay
- payYTDAmount PaystatementPayytdamount? - The amount of the aggregated Pay (i.e. Year to Date)
- payPeriodHours decimal? - Number of hours related to the pay for the pay period.
- payRate PaystatementPayrate? - The amount an individual is paid over time
- preTaxIndicator boolean? - Indicates whether amoun is taken pre tax.
- percentage decimal? - Identifies the percentage
adp.paystatements: PaystatementPayamount
The amount of the current Pay
- amountValue decimal? - The monetary value of the object in which the amount is associated
- currencyCode string? - List of standard currency codes ISO 4212
adp.paystatements: PaystatementPaydistributions
- itemID string? - The unique identifier of the related pay distribution within a collection
- payrollRegionCode PaystatementPayrollregioncode? - The region in which the payroll is processed
- payrollGroupCode PaystatementPayrollgroupcode? - The payroll group relevant to payroll processing for this work assignment
- payrollFileNumber string? - The payroll file number
- payrollAgreementID PaystatementPayrollagreementid? - The payroll agreement id
- payrollAgreementDescription string? - Payroll Agreement description is a mechanism to provide the user with the job and or position context of a given payroll agreement, e.g. a file number. It should be readable, user-friendly and might be valued with job or position title(s) or perhaps with the work assignment description(s)
- requestedStartDate string? - The date when the distribution instruction set will become or became effective. May not be the same as the first execution date (payroll date)
- distributionPurposeCode PaystatementDistributionpurposecode? - The pay distribution (transfer) purpose,e.g. Salary, Travel Expenses, Pension Plan, etc. Client should provide specific code list. If no value is provided, Salary (payroll) distribution should be assumed
- distributionStatusCode PaystatementDistributionstatuscode? - The pay distribution status,e.g. Active, Inactive, Pending, etc. Only one Active distribution should be allowed at any given point of time, while multiple Pending (future) distribution are possible
- distributions PaystatementDistributions[]? - Distributions made for this specific pay based on the distribution instructions
adp.paystatements: PaystatementPaymentmethodcode
The method by which the distribution is made, e.g. Direct Deposit, Check, Cash, etc.
- codeValue string? - The code for the related entity.
- shortName string? - Short description of the related code not to exceed 25 characters
- longName string? - Long description of the related code
adp.paystatements: PaystatementPayperiod
The Time Period which the pay covers
- startDate string? - The start date of the time period
- endDate string? - The end date of the time period
adp.paystatements: PaystatementPayrate
The amount an individual is paid over time
- amountValue decimal? - The monetary value of the object in which the amount is associated
- currencyCode string? - List of standard currency codes ISO 4212
- unitTimeCode string? - The units in which the quantity is communicated.
adp.paystatements: PaystatementPayrollagreementid
The payroll agreement id
- idValue string? - An actual ID value
- schemeCode PaystatementPayrollagreementidSchemecode? - The scheme code
adp.paystatements: PaystatementPayrollagreementidSchemecode
The scheme code
- codeValue string? - The code for the related entity.
- shortName string? - Short description of the related code not to exceed 25 characters
- longName string? - Long description of the related code
adp.paystatements: PaystatementPayrollgroupcode
The payroll group relevant to payroll processing for this work assignment
- codeValue string? - The code for the related entity.
- shortName string? - Short description of the related code not to exceed 25 characters
- longName string? - Long description of the related code
adp.paystatements: PaystatementPayrollregioncode
The region in which the payroll is processed
- codeValue string? - The code for the related entity.
- shortName string? - Short description of the related code not to exceed 25 characters
- longName string? - Long description of the related code
adp.paystatements: PaystatementPayytdamount
The amount of the aggregated Pay (i.e. Year to Date)
- amountValue decimal? - The monetary value of the object in which the amount is associated
- currencyCode string? - List of standard currency codes ISO 4212
adp.paystatements: PaystatementPositionref
Data which provides reference to a position
- positionID PaystatementPositionrefPositionid? - Position identifier a person may enter time against.
- title string? - The title of the position
adp.paystatements: PaystatementPositionrefPositionid
Position identifier a person may enter time against.
- id string? - Is the Identifier of the given instance of an entity.
- schemeName string? - name of the identification scheme
- schemeAgencyName string? - Agency responsible for the maintenance and definition of the identification scheme
adp.paystatements: PaystatementPrecedencecode
Indicates the order of precedence for a given distribution, e.g. primary, secondary, etc.
- codeValue string? - The code for the related entity.
- shortName string? - Short description of the related code not to exceed 25 characters
- longName string? - Long description of the related code
adp.paystatements: PayStatements
- retirementPlanIndicator boolean? - True indicates that the user has the retirement plan feature. If payroll system knows that the user has retirement plan feature then the value is 'true'. The value is 'false' If the payroll system does not know whether the user has retirement plans feature
- payStatements PaystatementsPaystatements[]? - Paystatements is a list of summary information on the paystatements of an associate and a reference to the detail.
adp.paystatements: PaystatementsGrosspayamount
The Amount paid before any deductions are taken out
- amountValue decimal? - The monetary value of the object in which the amount is associated
- currencyCode string? - List of standard currency codes ISO 4212
adp.paystatements: PaystatementsGrosspayytdamount
The Year To Date Amount paid before any deductions are taken out. This may not be shown on the pay statement or it may be zero or some value
- amountValue decimal? - The monetary value of the object in which the amount is associated
- currencyCode string? - List of standard currency codes ISO 4212
adp.paystatements: PaystatementsNetpayamount
The Amount paid after all deductions are taken out
- amountValue decimal? - The monetary value of the object in which the amount is associated
- currencyCode string? - List of standard currency codes ISO 4212
adp.paystatements: PaystatementsPaydetailuri
The URI to the detail of a paystatement. The detail shows all deductions, earnings, direct deposit, etc...
- href string? - URI
adp.paystatements: PaystatementsPaystatements
- employerName string? - The name of the employer
- positionRef PaystatementsPositionref? - Data which provides reference to a position
- payDate string? - Pay Date is the date on which the monies (i.e. payment) are available
- adjustmentIndicator boolean? - To indicate if a given statement represents an adjustment. The regular statement is assumed if the indicator is omitted
- commentIndicator boolean? - To indicate if a given statement has comments
- netPayAmount PaystatementsNetpayamount? - The Amount paid after all deductions are taken out
- grossPayAmount PaystatementsGrosspayamount? - The Amount paid before any deductions are taken out
- grossPayYTDAmount PaystatementsGrosspayytdamount? - The Year To Date Amount paid before any deductions are taken out. This may not be shown on the pay statement or it may be zero or some value
- totalHours decimal? - The total duration in hours for the related pay
- payDetailUri PaystatementsPaydetailuri? - The URI to the detail of a paystatement. The detail shows all deductions, earnings, direct deposit, etc...
- statementImageUri PaystatementsStatementimageuri? - The URI to the image of the pay statement e.g. pdf. This should be the relative uri
adp.paystatements: PaystatementsPositionref
Data which provides reference to a position
- positionID PaystatementsPositionrefPositionid? - Position identifier a person may enter time against.
- title string? - The title of the position
adp.paystatements: PaystatementsPositionrefPositionid
Position identifier a person may enter time against.
- id string? - Is the Identifier of the given instance of an entity.
- schemeName string? - name of the identification scheme
- schemeAgencyName string? - Agency responsible for the maintenance and definition of the identification scheme
adp.paystatements: PaystatementsStatementimageuri
The URI to the image of the pay statement e.g. pdf. This should be the relative uri
- href string? - URI
adp.paystatements: PeriodType
Existence of the currentPeriod object indicates that the default mapping of properties to the currentPeriod tab should be overriden
- sectionLabelName string? - The label which will be shown in the UI for the section. If this value is not passed then the default value is presented in the UI
- totalAmount LabeledAmountType? - The amount to show in the main window. If this amount is not passed then the default property is used
adp.paystatements: ProjectedPayStatement
- payStatement ProjectedpaystatementPaystatement? - Pay detail of a worker pay statement
adp.paystatements: ProjectedpaystatementPaystatement
Pay detail of a worker pay statement
- meta ProjectedpaystatementPaystatementMeta? - Metadata of the related entity
- positionRef ProjectedpaystatementPaystatementPositionref? - Data which provides reference to a position
- payDate string? - Pay Date is the date on which the monies (i.e. payment) are available. ISO 8601 format of YYYY-MM-DD. This may be also be passed as YYYY-MM which is the month the payment represents
- alternateIDs IDType[]? - A list of alternate IDs related to the statement
- payPeriod ProjectedpaystatementPaystatementPayperiod? - The time period which the pay covers
- netPayAmount AmountFormulaType? - The amount to show in the main window. If this amount is not passed then the default property is used
- netPayYTDAmount AmountFormulaType? - The amount to show in the main window. If this amount is not passed then the default property is used
- grossPayAmount AmountFormulaType? - The amount to show in the main window. If this amount is not passed then the default property is used
- grossPayYTDAmount AmountFormulaType? - The amount to show in the main window. If this amount is not passed then the default property is used
- totalHours decimal? - The total duration in hours for the related pay
- earningCategoryDetails ProjectedpaystatementPaystatementEarningcategorydetails[]? - A collection of earning category codes with the corresponding total amounts
- earnings ProjectedpaystatementPaystatementEarnings[]? - Earning represents an instance of a quantity earned for compensation for labor
- deductionCategoryDetails ProjectedpaystatementPaystatementDeductioncategorydetails[]? - A collection of deduction category codes with the corresponding total amounts
- deductions ProjectedpaystatementPaystatementDeductions[]? - Deduction is an Amount representing an instance of money deducted from a payroll disbursement. A Deduction maybe a Reverse Deduction. An example of this is the reimbursement of an Expense Report which is added the Disbursement to the Employee after taxes are taken out
- memoCategoryDetails ProjectedpaystatementPaystatementMemocategorydetails[]? - A collection of memo category codes with the corresponding total amounts
- memos ProjectedpaystatementPaystatementMemos[]? - Memos are similar to deduction in that they represent a code and an amount, but where they differ is in their effect on the Gross to Net calculation. Where a deduction is used to calculate gross to net and memo is not. Some example of memos are: Employer match 401k, Group term life (GTL)
- directDeposits ProjectedpaystatementPaystatementDirectdeposits[]? - THIS collection is being DEPRECATED. directDeposits are part of the payDistributions collection. Direct Deposits will continue going to the directDeposits collection as well as to the payDistributions. Future new version of this API will drop the directDeposits all together. A payment that is electronically deposited into an individual's account at a depository institution
- payDistributions ProjectedpaystatementPaystatementPaydistributions[]? - Pay distributions
- otherPay ProjectedpaystatementPaystatementOtherpay[]? - The details of other pay or remuneration
- employer ProjectedpaystatementPaystatementEmployer? - The employer information
- 'worker ProjectedpaystatementPaystatementWorker? - The worker information
- emailPayStatementsURI ProjectedpaystatementPaystatementEmailpaystatementsuri? - The URI to be used to request the paystatement to be emailed
- statementComments CommentType[]? - Statement comments
adp.paystatements: ProjectedpaystatementPaystatementDeductioncategorydetails
- deductionCategoryCodeName string - The deduction category name
- deductionCategoryTotalPeriodAmount AmountType? - The amount to show in the main window. If this amount is not passed then the default property is used
- deductionCategoryTotalYTDAmount AmountFormulaType? - The amount to show in the main window. If this amount is not passed then the default property is used
adp.paystatements: ProjectedpaystatementPaystatementDeductions
- codeName string - The deduction code of the deduction. The code can be user defined or a statutory deduction
- deductionCategoryCodeName string? - The deduction code of the deduction. The code can be user defined or a statutory deduction
- deductionAmount AmountFormulaType? - The amount to show in the main window. If this amount is not passed then the default property is used
- deductionYTDAmount AmountFormulaType? - The amount to show in the main window. If this amount is not passed then the default property is used
- preTaxIndicator boolean(default false) - Indicates whether deduction is taken pre tax on the current period deduction. If there is no current period deduction and only a year to date amount the pre tax indicator is irrelevant and should not be passed
- percentage decimal? - Identifies the percentage
- adjustmentIndicator boolean? - To indicate if a given deduction item represents an adjustment. The regular item is assumed if the indicator is omitted
adp.paystatements: ProjectedpaystatementPaystatementDepositaccount
The distribution target, e.g. bank account info
- BBAN string? - Basic Bank Account Number. The BBAN format is decided by each national banking community under the restriction that it must be of a fixed length of case-insensitive alphanumeric characters. It includes the domestic bank account number, branch identifier, and potential routing information
- IBAN string? - International Bank Account Number. The IBAN consists of up to 34 alphanumeric characters: first the two-letter ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code, then two check digits, and finally a country-specific Basic Bank Account Number (BBAN). The check digits enable a sanity check of the bank account number to confirm its integrity even before submitting a transaction.
- UPIC string? - Universal Payment Identification Code. A UPIC is an identifier (or banking address) for a bank account in the United States used to receive electronic credit payments. A UPIC acts exactly like a US bank account number and protects your sensitive banking information. The actual bank account number, including the bank's routing transit number, is masked by the UPIC. Only credit transactions to an account can be initiated with a UPIC. All direct debits are blocked which should mitigate unauthorized transactions to an account
- SWIFTID string? - Identifies a standard format of Business Identifier Codes approved by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). It is a unique identification code for both financial and non-financial institutions. The acronym SWIFT stands for the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication
- financialParty ProjectedpaystatementPaystatementDepositaccountFinancialparty? - Financial party
- financialAccount ProjectedpaystatementPaystatementDepositaccountFinancialaccount? - The account where the moneis are to be distributed
adp.paystatements: ProjectedpaystatementPaystatementDepositaccountFinancialaccount
The account where the moneis are to be distributed
- accountNumber string? - The unique identifier of the account where the moneis are to be distributed
- accountName string? - The name of the related account
- typeCode CodeType? - The type of account, e.g. Checking, Savings
- currencyCode CurrencyCodeType? - List of standard currency codes ISO 4212
adp.paystatements: ProjectedpaystatementPaystatementDepositaccountFinancialparty
Financial party
- financialPartyID IdtypeV2? - ID
- nameCode CodeType? - The type of account, e.g. Checking, Savings
- branchNameCode CodeType? - The type of account, e.g. Checking, Savings
- routingTransitID IdtypeV2? - ID
adp.paystatements: ProjectedpaystatementPaystatementDirectdeposits
- depositAmount AmountType - The amount to show in the main window. If this amount is not passed then the default property is used
- financialPartyRoutingID string? - Identifies the routing number for the financial institution (i.e. bank). For example, in the US this is the RTN (Routing Transit Number - 9 digit bank code)
- financialAccountTypeName string? - The type of account. For example: Checking, Savings
- financialAccountID string? - The Financial Account Number. This is typically masked
adp.paystatements: ProjectedpaystatementPaystatementDistributions
- itemID string - The unique identifier of the object in a collection
- precedenceCode CodeType? - The type of account, e.g. Checking, Savings
- paymentMethodCode CodeType? - The type of account, e.g. Checking, Savings
- depositAccount ProjectedpaystatementPaystatementDepositaccount? - The distribution target, e.g. bank account info
- distributionAmount AmountType? - The amount to show in the main window. If this amount is not passed then the default property is used
- distributionPercentage decimal? - The percentage of the net pay to be distributed as per the current distribution instruction. Only one value, either amount or percentage or remaining balance indicator (true) should be provided
adp.paystatements: ProjectedpaystatementPaystatementEarningcategorydetails
- earningCategoryCodeName string - The earning category name
- earningCategoryTotalPeriodAmount AmountType? - The amount to show in the main window. If this amount is not passed then the default property is used
- earningCategoryTotalYTDAmount AmountFormulaType? - The amount to show in the main window. If this amount is not passed then the default property is used
adp.paystatements: ProjectedpaystatementPaystatementEarnings
- earningCodeName string - Identifies the Hours/Earnings Code. The typeCode attribute is used to further refine the EarningCode with the Hours/Earnings Field Number
- earningCategoryCodeName string? - The earning category name
- earningAmount AmountFormulaType? - The amount to show in the main window. If this amount is not passed then the default property is used
- earningYTDAmount AmountFormulaType? - The amount to show in the main window. If this amount is not passed then the default property is used
- earningPeriod PeriodType? - Existence of the currentPeriod object indicates that the default mapping of properties to the currentPeriod tab should be overriden
- payPeriodHours decimal? - Number of hours related to the earning for the pay period
- payRate RateFormulaType? - The amount an individual is paid over time
- preTaxIndicator boolean(default false) - Indicates whether deduction is taken pre tax. If there is no current period earning and only a year to date amount the pre tax indicator is irrelevant and should not be passed
- adjustmentIndicator boolean? - To indicate if a given earning item represents an adjustment. The regular item is assumed if the indicator is omitted
adp.paystatements: ProjectedpaystatementPaystatementEmailpaystatementsuri
The URI to be used to request the paystatement to be emailed
- href string? - URI
adp.paystatements: ProjectedpaystatementPaystatementEmployer
The employer information
- sectionLabelName string? - The label which describes the related property. This is user visible and should be in the requested language
- employerName string? - The name of the employer
- employerLocation ProjectedpaystatementPaystatementEmployerEmployerlocation? - Employer location
- taxIDs ProjectedpaystatementPaystatementEmployerTaxids[]? - A list of tax ids
- employerDetails ProjectedpaystatementPaystatementEmployerEmployerdetails[]? - Details related to the employer
adp.paystatements: ProjectedpaystatementPaystatementEmployerDetailvalues
- labelName string? - The label which describes the related property. This is user visible and should be in the requested language
- valueTxt string? - The value
- detailAmount AmountType? - The amount to show in the main window. If this amount is not passed then the default property is used
adp.paystatements: ProjectedpaystatementPaystatementEmployerEmployerdetails
- identifier string? - Identifier of the line. This identifier is user visible
- labelName string? - The label which describes the related property. This is user visible and should be in the requested language
- detailValues ProjectedpaystatementPaystatementEmployerDetailvalues[]? - A set of values to be shown on a line. Both properties are optional, but a minimum of 1 is required if the statementValue is passed
adp.paystatements: ProjectedpaystatementPaystatementEmployerEmployerlocation
Employer location
- labelName string? - The label to be shown on the UI
- locationName string? - The name of the location
- formattedAddressLines ProjectedpaystatementpaystatementemployeremployerlocationFormattedaddresslinesItemsString[]? - A list of formatted address lines which will be shown on the UI in the order of the array items. This is mutually exclusive to the component parts of the the address. If this is returned in the JSON it will be used to present on the UI
adp.paystatements: ProjectedpaystatementPaystatementEmployerTaxids
- id string - Is the Identifier of the given instance of an entity
- labelName string? - The label of the related entity to show on the UI
adp.paystatements: ProjectedpaystatementPaystatementMemocategorydetails
- memoCategoryCode CodeType - The type of account, e.g. Checking, Savings
- memoCategoryTotalPeriodAmount AmountType? - The amount to show in the main window. If this amount is not passed then the default property is used
- memoCategoryTotalYTDAmount AmountFormulaType? - The amount to show in the main window. If this amount is not passed then the default property is used
adp.paystatements: ProjectedpaystatementPaystatementMemos
- nameCode CodeType? - The type of account, e.g. Checking, Savings
- memoCategoryCode CodeType? - The type of account, e.g. Checking, Savings
- memoAmount AmountFormulaType? - The amount to show in the main window. If this amount is not passed then the default property is used
- memoYTDAmount AmountFormulaType? - The amount to show in the main window. If this amount is not passed then the default property is used
- adjustmentIndicator boolean? - To indicate if a given memo item represents an adjustment. The regular item is assumed if the indicator is omitted
adp.paystatements: ProjectedpaystatementPaystatementMeta
Metadata of the related entity
- currentPeriod PeriodType? - Existence of the currentPeriod object indicates that the default mapping of properties to the currentPeriod tab should be overriden
- aggregatePeriod PeriodType? - Existence of the currentPeriod object indicates that the default mapping of properties to the currentPeriod tab should be overriden
adp.paystatements: ProjectedpaystatementPaystatementOtherpay
- sectionLabelName string - The label to be shown on the UI for the section
- otherPayDetail ProjectedpaystatementPaystatementOtherpaydetail[] - The details of other pay or remuneration
adp.paystatements: ProjectedpaystatementPaystatementOtherpaydetail
- labelName string - The label to be shown on the UI for the section
- payAmount AmountFormulaType? - The amount to show in the main window. If this amount is not passed then the default property is used
- payYTDAmount AmountFormulaType? - The amount to show in the main window. If this amount is not passed then the default property is used
- payPeriodHours decimal? - Number of hours related to the pay for the pay period
- payRate RateFormulaType? - The amount an individual is paid over time
- preTaxIndicator boolean(default false) - Indicates whether amoun is taken pre tax
- percentage decimal? - Identifies the percentage
- adjustmentIndicator boolean? - To indicate if a given pay item represents an adjustment. The regular item is assumed if the indicator is omitted
adp.paystatements: ProjectedpaystatementPaystatementPaydistributions
- itemID string - The unique identifier of the related pay distribution within a collection
- payrollRegionCode CodeType? - The type of account, e.g. Checking, Savings
- payrollGroupCode CodeType? - The type of account, e.g. Checking, Savings
- payrollFileNumber string? - The payroll file number
- payrollAgreementID IdtypeV2? - ID
- payrollAgreementDescription string? - Payroll Agreement description is a mechanism to provide the user with the job and or position context of a given payroll agreement, e.g. a file number. It should be readable, user-friendly and might be valued with job or position title(s) or perhaps with the work assignment description(s)
- requestedStartDate DateType? - Date
- distributionPurposeCode CodeType? - The type of account, e.g. Checking, Savings
- distributionStatusCode StatusType? -
- distributions ProjectedpaystatementPaystatementDistributions[]? - Distributions made for this specific pay based on the distribution instructions
adp.paystatements: ProjectedpaystatementPaystatementPayperiod
The time period which the pay covers
- startDate DateType? - Date
- endDate DateType - Date
- payPeriodLabelName string? - Label / description of the associated pay period
adp.paystatements: ProjectedpaystatementPaystatementPositionref
Data which provides reference to a position
- positionID IDType? - Position identifier a person may enter time against
- title string? - The title of the position
adp.paystatements: ProjectedpaystatementPaystatementWorker
The worker information
- sectionLabelName string? - The label which describes the related property. This is user visible and should be in the requested language
- workerName string? - The name of the employer
- workerLocation ProjectedpaystatementPaystatementWorkerWorkerlocation? - Worker location
- taxIDs ProjectedpaystatementPaystatementWorkerTaxids[]? - A list of tax ids fro a given worker
- workerDetails ProjectedpaystatementPaystatementWorkerWorkerdetails[]? - Additional details related to the worker
adp.paystatements: ProjectedpaystatementPaystatementWorkerDetailvalues
- labelName string? - The label which describes the related property. This is user visible and should be in the requested language
- valueTxt string? - Value expressed as text
- valueQuantity ProjectedpaystatementPaystatementWorkerValuequantity? - Value expressed as number and unit
- valueAmount AmountType? - The amount to show in the main window. If this amount is not passed then the default property is used
adp.paystatements: ProjectedpaystatementPaystatementWorkerTaxids
- id string - Identifier of the given instance of an entity
- labelName string? - The label of the related entity to show on the UI
adp.paystatements: ProjectedpaystatementPaystatementWorkerValuequantity
Value expressed as number and unit
- quantityValue decimal? - Quantity value
- unitCode CodeType? - The type of account, e.g. Checking, Savings
adp.paystatements: ProjectedpaystatementPaystatementWorkerWorkerdetails
- identifier string? - Identifier of the line. This identifier is user visible
- labelName string? - The label which describes the related property. This is user visible and should be in the requested language
- detailValues ProjectedpaystatementPaystatementWorkerDetailvalues[]? - A set of values to be shown on a line. Both properties are optional, but a minimum of 1 is required if the statementValue is passed
adp.paystatements: ProjectedpaystatementPaystatementWorkerWorkerlocation
Worker location
- labelName string? - The label to be shown on the UI
- formattedAddressLines ProjectedpaystatementpaystatementworkerworkerlocationFormattedaddresslinesItemsString[]? - A list of formatted address lines which will be shown on the UI in the order of the array items. This is mutually exclusive to the component parts of the the address. If this is returned in the JSON it will be used to present on the UI
adp.paystatements: ProxyConfig
Proxy server configurations to be used with the HTTP client endpoint.
- host string(default "") - Host name of the proxy server
- port int(default 0) - Proxy server port
- userName string(default "") - Proxy server username
- password string(default "") - Proxy server password
adp.paystatements: RateFormulaType
The amount an individual is paid over time
- amountValue decimal? - The monetary value of the object in which the amount is associated
- currencyCode CurrencyCodeType? - List of standard currency codes ISO 4212
- unitTimeCode string? - The units in which the quantity is communicated
- calculationFormula CalculationFormulaType? - The formula details for a payment calculation amount result
adp.paystatements: RateType
The amount an individual is paid over time
- amountValue decimal? - The monetary value of the object in which the amount is associated
- currencyCode CurrencyCodeType? - List of standard currency codes ISO 4212
- unitTimeCode string? - The units in which the quantity is communicated
adp.paystatements: StatusType
- codeValue string - The code for the related entity
- shortName string? - Short description of the related code not to exceed 25 characters
- longName string? - Long description of the related code
- effectiveDate DateType? - Date
String types
adp.paystatements: CurrencyCodeType
List of standard currency codes ISO 4212
adp.paystatements: DateType
adp.paystatements: PaystatementemployeremployerlocationFormattedaddresslinesItemsString
adp.paystatements: ProjectedpaystatementpaystatementemployeremployerlocationFormattedaddresslinesItemsString
adp.paystatements: ProjectedpaystatementpaystatementworkerworkerlocationFormattedaddresslinesItemsString
import ballerinax/adp.paystatements;
Released date: over 1 year ago
Version: 1.5.1
License: Apache-2.0
Platform: any
Ballerina version: 2201.4.1
GraalVM compatible: Yes
Pull count
Total: 2
Current verison: 1
Weekly downloads
Human Resources/HRMS