The lang.object module corresponds to the object basic type.
Object types
lang.object: Iterable
Distinct Iterable type.
An object can make itself iterable by using *object:Iterable;,
and then defining an iterator method.
function iterator()returnsobject {
public function next() returns record {| any|error value; |}|error?;
Create a new iterator.
Return Type
object {
public function next() returns record {| any|error value; |}|error?;
} - a new iterator object
lang.object: RawTemplate
Distinct RawTemplate type.
A raw template expression constructs an object belonging to this type.
strings(readonly & string[]) - An array of the strings containing the characters in BacktickString
outside of interpolations, split at the interpolation points.
The length of this array is one greater than
the length of the insertions array.
insertions(any|error)[] - An array containing the results of evaluating the
interpolations in the BacktickString.