Module http.httpscerr

ballerina/http.httpscerr Ballerina library
This module contains the status code error types.
http.httpscerr: DefaultErrorDetail
Represents the details of an HTTP error.
- Fields Included from *ErrorDetail
- statusCode? int - The inbound error response status code
http.httpscerr: ErrorDetail
Represents the details of an HTTP error.
- body? anydata - The error response body
http.httpscerr: '4XXStatusCodeError
Represents 4XX HTTP status code errors.
http.httpscerr: '5XXStatusCodeError
Represents 5XX HTTP status code errors.
http.httpscerr: BadGatewayError
Represents the HTTP 502 Bad Gateway error.
http.httpscerr: BadRequestError
Represents the HTTP 400 Bad Request error.
http.httpscerr: ConflictError
Represents the HTTP 409 Conflict error.
http.httpscerr: ExpectationFailedError
Represents the HTTP 417 Expectation Failed error.
http.httpscerr: FailedDependencyError
Represents the HTTP 424 Failed Dependency error.
http.httpscerr: ForbiddenError
Represents the HTTP 403 Forbidden error.
http.httpscerr: GatewayTimeoutError
Represents the HTTP 504 Gateway Timeout error.
http.httpscerr: GoneError
Represents the HTTP 410 Gone error.
http.httpscerr: HTTPVersionNotSupportedError
Represents the HTTP 505 HTTP Version Not Supported error.
http.httpscerr: InsufficientStorageError
Represents the HTTP 507 Insufficient Storage error.
http.httpscerr: InternalServerErrorError
Represents the HTTP 500 Internal Server Error error.
http.httpscerr: LengthRequiredError
Represents the HTTP 411 Length Required error.
http.httpscerr: LockedError
Represents the HTTP 423 Locked error.
http.httpscerr: LoopDetectedError
Represents the HTTP 508 Loop Detected error.
http.httpscerr: MethodNotAllowedError
Represents the HTTP 405 Method Not Allowed error.
http.httpscerr: MisdirectedRequestError
Represents the HTTP 421 Misdirected Request error.
http.httpscerr: NetworkAuthenticationRequiredError
Represents the HTTP 511 Network Authentication Required error.
http.httpscerr: NotAcceptableError
Represents the HTTP 406 Not Acceptable error.
http.httpscerr: NotExtendedError
Represents the HTTP 510 Not Extended error.
http.httpscerr: NotFoundError
Represents the HTTP 404 Not Found error.
http.httpscerr: NotImplementedError
Represents the HTTP 501 Not Implemented error.
http.httpscerr: PayloadTooLargeError
Represents the HTTP 413 Payload Too Large error.
http.httpscerr: PaymentRequiredError
Represents the HTTP 402 Payment Required error.
http.httpscerr: PreconditionFailedError
Represents the HTTP 412 Precondition Failed error.
http.httpscerr: PreconditionRequiredError
Represents the HTTP 428 Precondition Required error.
http.httpscerr: ProxyAuthenticationRequiredError
Represents the HTTP 407 Proxy Authentication Required error.
http.httpscerr: RangeNotSatisfiableError
Represents the HTTP 416 Range Not Satisfiable error.
http.httpscerr: RequestHeaderFieldsTooLargeError
Represents the HTTP 431 Request Header Fields Too Large error.
http.httpscerr: RequestTimeoutError
Represents the HTTP 408 Request Timeout error.
http.httpscerr: ServiceUnavailableError
Represents the HTTP 503 Service Unavailable error.
http.httpscerr: StatusCodeError
Represents the HTTP status code error.
http.httpscerr: TooManyRequestsError
Represents the HTTP 429 Too Many Requests error.
http.httpscerr: UnauthorizedError
Represents the HTTP 401 Unauthorized error.
http.httpscerr: UnavailableDueToLegalReasonsError
Represents the HTTP 451 Unavailable For Legal Reasons error.
http.httpscerr: UnprocessableEntityError
Represents the HTTP 422 Unprocessable Entity error.
http.httpscerr: UnsupportedMediaTypeError
Represents the HTTP 415 Unsupported Media Type error.
http.httpscerr: UpgradeRequiredError
Represents the HTTP 426 Upgrade Required error.
http.httpscerr: URITooLongError
Represents the HTTP 414 URI Too Long error.
http.httpscerr: VariantAlsoNegotiatesError
Represents the HTTP 506 Variant Also Negotiates error.
Intersection types
http.httpscerr: DefaultStatusCodeError
Represents the default HTTP status code error.
import ballerina/http.httpscerr;
Released date: 9 days ago
Version: 2.13.4
License: Apache-2.0
Platform: java21
Ballerina version: 2201.11.0
GraalVM compatible: Yes
Pull count
Total: 1233617
Current verison: 1636
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